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Former Ridgewood Councilman Jeff Voigt publicly endorses Paul Vagianos for Village Council – a “kiss of death?”

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by the staff of The Ridgewood Blog

Ridgewood NJ, the most controversial and despised member (former, thankfully) of the Village Council in decades has just publicly endorsed Paul Vagianos’ campaign for election in November to fill the unexpired Village Council term of Bernadette Walsh (who resigned due to a pending relocation out of state).  The endorsement came by way of a letter to the editor of a local newspaper.

Certainly, this public endorsement will raise the eyebrows of many Ridgewood taxpayers, who, no doubt, clearly remember how much of a train wreck Mr. Voigt turned out to be.

Could Mr. Vagianos be the next Jeff Voigt in waiting?


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22 thoughts on “Former Ridgewood Councilman Jeff Voigt publicly endorses Paul Vagianos for Village Council – a “kiss of death?”

  1. The d-bag has endorsed the s-bag. How fitting.

  2. I’m sure that Becky is thrilled by this announcement.

  3. I ask you, what politician in their right mind would want to align themselves with Jeff Voigt? The answer is: no one in their right mind. Case closed. Vote for Hooban in November.

  4. How shallow and ill informed must a voter be to rely on an endorsement.
    I always laugh at them.

  5. That says it all. Voigt is so self absorbed he actually believes going public with an endorsement is influential.

  6. A cluelessly self absorbed has been endorses a guy who is in it for himself and doesn’t give a s*** about the town. Sound about right.

  7. Hooban? Yes we need Susan to have yet another lapdog.

  8. I told Mr. Vagianos exactly this yesterday. No one needs to be aligned with Voigt in any way shape or form.

  9. Interesting endorsement. Mr. Vagianos would be conflicted out of every CBD discussion and vote. If Mr. Vagianos has any ability or desire to help the CBD, he is far more influential as a private citizen, business owner and landlord. The law is clear. Paul Vagianos would be prohibited from discussions and votes about pedestrian malls, dining corrals, parking, and more.
    Look it up. As a lawyer the bar is higher and the scrutiny will be greater for Vagianos.
    He may want to reconsider running for local elected office. If the letter is accurate , Paul Vagianos should seriously consider withdrawing from the election.

  10. Voight was the bully of village counsel and Vagianos the bully of the business district. He runs around strongarming business owners to line his pockets. No one will openly talk about it. Especially his tenants. Vagianos self interests are causing lost business for others.
    God help us if he’s elected.

  11. I had my doubts about voting for Paul. He is so self centered with a huge ego and he’s all about more parking and concrete but now that the nastiest man in Ridgewood is endorsing him, my doubts are confirmed. Jeff Voigt has inflicted so much pain with his multiple failed law suits, his bullying and his countless letters to the papers which could put the world to sleep if they didn’t annoy you first. He even threatened the Village manager at a council meeting once and needed to be contained by a police officer. He is a bad man and I hope he is the kiss of death for Vagianos because now we know how clueless Paul is to accept the endorsement.

  12. Is it true that Paul can’t participate or vote on business district matters? Are there laws preventing him from doing so? This would be a huge problem for him because that’s his Facebook platform for running. According to his Facebook announcement post he has big financial ties to the health barn.
    People are talking about all of it and not in a good way. Why is he running if he can’t be involved in these important things?

  13. He does not “have our backs.” He has his own back and his bank account’s back.

    The wall he illegally had constructed in front of his restaurant years ago (long before covid) essentially blocking the sidewalk and staunchly refused to have removed until he had absolutely no choice is not a big thing in itself, but his behavior did suggest that despite being a lawyer, he thinks the rules and ordinances do not apply to him.

  14. Great picture. Where’s that statue?

  15. The health barn and feed the front lines millions needs to be fully disclosed. Where exactly did all those meals go and who got how much money? How much did Paul get for his restaurant and his tenants? Paul Vagianos needs to be transparent about the money.

  16. I’m voting for Melanie Hooban.
    She will do an excellent job.
    She’s smart and independent.
    She knows Ridgewood as well as anyone.

    Paul has too much up his sleeves, and in the end it’s about Paul himself. It’s always been that way with Paul. When he says he’s going ‘all in’, that’s a gambling term, and absolutely no one should be gambling with the future of Ridgewood. The Ahronson-Hauck-Pucci did that once and we are paying dearly and permanently for their actions. We don’t need a redux. We get fooled twice, and then shame is squarely on us.

  17. A vote for Hooban is the only vote that makes sense.

  18. Paul has been working tirelessly for the town. He has done this with sports, social events in the schools and all of his downtown activities. He will be an excellent Council member.

  19. “Great picture. Where’s that statue?”


  20. “Paul has been working tirelessly for the town.”

    Paul has been working tirelessly for no one but himself.

  21. Vagianos has been working tirelessly? Yes, sure. Just ask him! He’ll tell you that he is singlehandedly responsible for everything. He is NOT a team player. It is ME ME ME and I I I with him. He would be a terrible council member.

  22. Where do all the HB money go? Where did all the food go? And why do our restaurants still need help? Most of the ones that are taking from this grant are doing fine now that we have indoor and outdoor dining

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