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Former Ridgewood Police Captain Keith Killion , “There seems to be a lot of things fueling this but it is the constant misinformation that is reported by the mainstream media”

Ridgewood Police

file photo by Boyd Loving

July 18,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

“Yes. There seems to be a lot of things fueling this but it is the constant misinformation that is reported by the mainstream media and the 24/7 liberal cable networks that stoke the fires with their political correct reporting, speculation on what happened and their team of has been FBI and political talking heads.” ex-Mayor Keith Killion,and Former Ridgewood Police Captain

Ridgewood NJ, in his comment Killion echoed a sentiment held by many law enforcement officials through out the country .    In a recent opinion piece by Heather MacDonald  ,”The war on cops: The big lie of the anti-cop left turns lethal”

MacDonald says that in the summer of 2014 a lie overtook significant parts of the country and grew into a kind of mass hysteria. That lie holds that the police pose a mortal threat to black Americans—indeed, that the police are the greatest threat facing black Americans today.

Several subsidiary untruths buttress that central myth: that the criminal-justice system is biased against blacks; that there is no such thing as a black underclass; and that crime rates are comparable between blacks and whites, so that disproportionate police action in minority neighborhoods cannot be explained without reference to racism.

The poisonous effect of these lies manifested itself in the cold-blooded assassination of two NYPD officers in December that year.

MacDonald   goes on to assert that the highest reaches of American society promulgated those untruths and participated in the mass hysteria. President Barack Obama, speaking after a grand jury decided not to indict the police officer who fatally shot Michael Brown, declared that blacks were right to believe that the criminal-justice system was often stacked against them. Obama repeated that message as he traveled around the country subsequently.


6 thoughts on “Former Ridgewood Police Captain Keith Killion , “There seems to be a lot of things fueling this but it is the constant misinformation that is reported by the mainstream media”

  1. Lie #1 – Hands Up Don’t Shoot.

  2. In order to reinforce the false narrative that blacks are systematically discriminated against in America, the Left and its accomplices in the mainstream media spent much of last week lying over and over again about two black men shot to death by police officers.

    Like a burnt out Hollywood screenwriter, the Left keeps recycling the same old stock characters. Black men are tragic heroes. White people and police are racist agents of an evil system. The facts are never allowed to intrude on these fantasies.

    Michael Brown of Ferguson, Mo., was supposedly a gentle giant. Trayvon Martin of Sanford, Fla., was said to look like the son President Obama never had. “When I think about this boy, I think about my own kids,” Obama said after Martin’s death in 2012. Later we learned these were politically motivated lies generated by leftist lynch mobs.

    This evidence has become available after the horrific Black Lives Matter-inspired massacre of police officers in Dallas during a Black Lives Matter demonstration. With five policemen dead, it was the deadliest attack on U.S. law enforcement since Sept. 11, 2001.

  3. I wish Keith would run against Cory Booker….

  4. A MUST SEE. CNN Don Lemon gets schooled by Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke

  5. Not a very coherent essay

  6. Keith is awesome. Love him. Miss him on the council. He was upfront and honest at all times. Never was a pompous poser. Called it like he saw it.

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