the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, homicides are increasing in record-breaking numbers in cities across America. Ten major cities ALL just broke their all-time homicide records. These murders are not just occurring in Chicago and New York, but in cities otherwise considered generally safe– like in Rochester, Austin, Texas, Toledo, Baton Rouge. These are cities that, until recently, have not been immediately associated with violent crime. ABC News reported this story that included a statement saying the reasoning behind this dramatic increase in homicides is unclear.
We asked Michael A. Letts, founder of InVest USA www.investUSA.org, a nonprofit organization providing Active Shooter Vest to officers in need, as well as serving as an advocacy voice for first responders nationwide, adamantly disagrees that the cause of the rise is unclear.
Letts called ABC News statement that the cause for dramatic increases in homicides in unexpected cities in America is unclear , naïve and deceptive to state that is unclear why there is a rise in homicides across the country. It is a well-orchestrated movement to destroy America’s freedoms, law and order, and justice system to create anarchy and the need to disarm its citizens.
Letts said the probable causes for the dramatic increases in homicides in cities across America was a Public education system devoid of character/ respect values and training. A campaign by Black Lives Matter encouraged rioting and looting against law and law enforcement. A growing number of politicians are soft on crime and devoid of holding people accountable. Government leaders claiming to care about the people who elected them to serve and protect are glaringly hypocritical when they refuse to support the justice system.
Letts called the situation seriousness, a National Security Crisis that will result in the collapse of America as a Super Power and Beacon of freedom and hope for the world if not responded to appropriately.
And I wonder why crime is increasing? Could it possibly be all this anti-police crap from all these liberal city governments? Not prosecuting crimes under certain amounts? Leftist politicians encouraging criminals with all this anti-rich talk?
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.
We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream.
It must be fought for, protected and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”