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Garrett Grills Treasury Secretary Lew on Clinton Emails



Lew employs the “Sargent Schultz” defense “I know nothing”

Garrett Grills Treasury Secretary Lew on Clinton Emails

Treasury Secretary Lew: No Recollection of Clinton Email System

U.S. Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew was pulled into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email controversy Tuesday as House Republicans grilled him on what he knew as her top operations officer .

Mr. Lew, who was Mrs. Clinton’s deputy secretary of state for management and resources between 2009-2010, said he had no recollection of conversations about Mrs. Clinton’s private email system.

“While you were at state, were you also responsible for enforcing the department policy regarding the use of personal email accounts and record retention?” Rep. Scott Garrett(R., N.J.) asked at a House Financial Services hearing on U.S. international financial policy.

Mr. Lew said he was “responsible for a vast array of responsibilities.”

When Mr. Garrett asked if he was responsible for the State Department’s policy regarding emails, Mr. Lew said: “I don’t recall having a lot of conversations, any conversations that I remember, on that.”

One thought on “Garrett Grills Treasury Secretary Lew on Clinton Emails

  1. hummmmmm,

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