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Glen Rock Police : 25 to 30 juveniles Riding Bicycles ,Blocking Traffic and Creating Dangerous Conditions for Vehicles and Pedestrians along Lincoln Avenue


photo by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Glen Rock NJ, on Sunday  July 26  at 3:54 p.m. the Glen Rock Police reported that multiple reports were received concerning a group of 25 to 30 juveniles riding bicycles in a reckless manner along Lincoln Avenue on both the street and sidewalks intentionally blocking traffic and creating dangerous conditions for vehicles and pedestrians, as well as themselves. A Special Officer on patrol in the area was able to locate the group on Doremus Avenue, however, the cyclists refused to yield for the Special Officer who requested a supervisor to respond. As a Patrol Sergeant and regular Police Officer arrived the group continued on Doremus to Ackerman Avenue and then onto Broad Street into Ridgewood as they continued to ignore officers’ instructions to move to the side of the roadway. The matter was turned over to the Ridgewood Police Department as they entered their jurisdiction.

The Glen Rock Police Department has received a few prior reports of this type of activity which is often organized via social media and creates dangerous situations with cyclist refusing to stop for moving vehicles or yield to pedestrians. With an increase of bicyclists and pedestrians, it is paramount that we maintain an environment where everyone can safely use the roadways. When cyclists choose to ride along any public roadway, they are subject to the rules of the road and traffic laws. Parents should caution their children about the dangers and potential liability of participating in these bicycle “flash mobs”.


5 thoughts on “Glen Rock Police : 25 to 30 juveniles Riding Bicycles ,Blocking Traffic and Creating Dangerous Conditions for Vehicles and Pedestrians along Lincoln Avenue

  1. F@ck them up. Take the loudest rider and beat the Sh!t out of him away from cams. Then let him tell his friends not to come back. That’s the only thing that works.

  2. And one juvenile was detained. RPD could have attempted to detain more but they were deescalating.

    That one kid was not listening or cooperating. If he did not want to be detained he should have listened to instructions. He knew what he was doing. He took another chance and lost. Kids should be taught to make good choices.

  3. Why do we have so many bleeding hearts in our communities? If it is a “child–even if said “child” is 22–people can’t wait to slam the police for picking on a “kid”. Doesn’t matter if said “kid” is from out-of- state, or if they are no longer a “kid” except in attitude–these “poor little darlings” are being unjustly picked on. Who cares if they endanger others with their unsafe walking, or biking? Doesn’t matter if Police in various towns have warned them already and they are still breaking laws by the time they get to our community. Nothing matters to these individuals except that “a kid is being unjustly picked on” by these “nasty old Police who should certainly know better than to accuse “a child” of anything. These are the same individuals whose “darling child could never do a wrong” and thus other parents must have raised a child who can do no wrong either–unless it is said parents’ child who is being “picked on” by someone else’s “brat”. (Bet, if these people are actually parents they have no more than 2 “adored” children–with more children (or with the brains God gave them) a parent soon realizes that the world is not always rosy nor filled with “sweet little children”. What will it take to have these “highly indignant” individuals get out of their dream world and into understanding reality?

  4. Nicely put anomous

  5. Break out the paddy-wagon next time…..arrest all of these reprobates….

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