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Good Samaritans Rescue Three From Fiery Crash on Paramus Road

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Paramus NJ, according to various sources ,  good Samaritans pulled three victims from their vehicles following a fiery wrong-way head-on crash Friday afternoon in Paramus that critically injured one of the drivers.

According to Paramus Police Chief Kenneth Ehrenberg a Honda CRV with two male passengers was going south on the wrong side of Paramus Road near Alpine Drive when it slammed head-on into a BMW SUV occupied by a  female driver shortly before 5:30 p.m ., directly under a power line.

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The good Samaritans, including a member of the Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office, pulled the victims out before the vehicles as they were consumed by flames.
Chief Ehrenberg said the female driver was very seriously injured and the two men sustained minor to moderate injuries.

Paramus firefighters doused the blaze and Paramus Police closed Paramus Road in both directions indefinitely from Route 4 to Century Road.

The Bergen County Prosecutor’s Fatal Accident Investigations Unit is currently  investigating with borough police and the Bergen County Sheriff’s Bureau of Criminal Identification, which collected evidence.

2 thoughts on “Good Samaritans Rescue Three From Fiery Crash on Paramus Road

  1. I was loading my golf clubs in the car at Orchard Hills GC when the emergency vehicles flashed by.

    Paramus Road is not safe between El Cid’s and Route 3. It’s a speedway.

  2. My god thank God people were there to help. Most people would’ve seen the flames and ran away

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