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Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order on Petition Requirements for Upcoming Elections, Including the June Primary Election

BCIA petition OLMC

file photo by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ,  Today, Governor Phil Murphy signed Executive Order No. 216 to permit both electronic and in-person collection of signatures and submission of petitions for the upcoming June Primary Election and elections scheduled to occur before then. The Governor noted that all campaigns should adhere to proper COVID-19 health and safety guidance.

“During the pandemic, we will continue to hold elections to ensure that New Jersey voters are able to have their voice heard in a safe manner,” said Governor Murphy. “Today’s executive order will allow voters to fully participate in the electoral process and let qualified candidates meet nomination requirements for these elections.”

3 thoughts on “Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order on Petition Requirements for Upcoming Elections, Including the June Primary Election

  1. Another round of fake signatures

  2. I fear that the Dems have taken cheating to a new level.

  3. This is too easy.

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