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Has the Board of Education Mismanaged the High School Fields Project?


Has the Board of Education Mismanaged the High School Fields Project?
When the BOE decided to install artificial turfing on Stevens Field and RHS stadium, numerous taxpayers and neighbors warned against doing this construction in an active flood plain. We warned that a flood on HoHoKus Brook would result in the washout of crumb rubber from the surface, the depositing of silt/debris/pollutants on the field and require significant clean up costs. The minor flood Thursday night has proven the skeptics correct and exposed the poor planning and decision making approach that the BOE followed throughout this process.
  • These fields are now closed until further notice.
  • Clean-up estimated to cost a minimum of $3,700 cannot start until Monday at the earliest.
  • Despite closing the fields, the BOE has no plans to enforce its decision.
Ridgewood needs playing surfaces for our children. The BOE has foolishly installed several million dollars worth of vulnerable artificial turf in a flood plain. The turf’s manufacture refuses to provide a warranty because of its location in the flood plain. The BOE has made an unenforceable financing arrangement to finance the $550,000 cost of lights on these fields. The sports groups who the BOE thought would be paying these costs are now threatening to withhold support unless they get their way to have children playing on these fields until 10:00pm on school nights. Who does the BOE represent?
The artificial turf fields and lights are a small part of the tax dollars that the BOE oversees. These are the same individuals that are entrusted with negotiating with our teachers and setting the priorities for the school system. Has their performance in the fields’ debate warranted their support?
Two of the BOE members that approved the field projects actions are up for reelection this April. In considering who to vote for, parents should ask themselves if the millions being spent on questionable facilities for sports groups might not better have been spent in the classrooms and our children.

Jim Morgan

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