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Historic Preservation Office Approves Zabriskie-Schedler House Temporary ADA Improvements

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HPO Project No. 24-0218-3,-4


RE:     Bergen County, Ridgewood Village

Zabriskie-Schedler House temporary ADA improvements

Application for Project Authorization

New Jersey Register of Historic Places Act Review 

John A.L. Zabriskie House (SR 8/14/2019)

Dear Mr. Kazmark,

Upon review by the Historic Preservation Office (HPO), the Application for Project Authorization pursuant to the New Jersey Register of Historic Places Act was technically and professionally complete and sufficient pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:4-7.1(d), on April 10, 2024.  The application included the following plan sheet: Schedler House Restoration, A.D.A. access Route, Option #3, dated 10/20/23.  Based on the plan sheet, the project involves temporary ADA improvements at the Zabriskie-Schedler House which include the installation of an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) stone dust pedestrian access path from the house’s western ramp to a temporary, single, gravel ADA parking space with signage.  In addition, Engineer Rutishauser provided additional information through email that the single ADA parking spot will be crushed stone with a crushed stone travel path to West Saddle River Road.  No subgrade ground disturbance is required and the work will avoid impacts to the 48-inch sugar maple tree.

The HPO has determined that the Zabriskie-Schedler House temporary ADA improvements are in conformance with the Secretary of the Interior’sStandards and Guidelines for Archeology and Historic Preservation.  Therefore, the project of the temporary ADA improvements will not constitute an encroachment upon the John A.L. Zabriskie House which is listed on the New Jersey Register of Historic Places.  Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:4-7.2(d), the temporary ADA improvements project may proceed as documented. .  This approval does not apply to, or authorize, any future park development activities within the property. Please contact the HPO for additional guidance and review if any of your project plans change.

Additional Comments

In accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:4-7.2(e)10, if an authorized, or conditionally authorized, project is not undertaken within five years of the date of authorization, the authorization shall automatically expire.

Thank you for your consideration on this matter and please reference the HPO project number 24-0218 in any future calls, emails, or written correspondence in order to expedite our review and response. Please do not hesitate to contact Vincent Maresca of my staff with any questions regarding archaeology or Jennifer Leynes of my staff at with questions regarding historic architecture. Thank you for your cooperation with this review.


Meghan MacWilliams Baratta, M.S., CPM

Supervisor, HPO Project Review Section

Program Specialist 4

NJ Historic Preservation Office

Mail Code 501-04B


PO Box 420

Trenton, NJ 08625-0420


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9 thoughts on “Historic Preservation Office Approves Zabriskie-Schedler House Temporary ADA Improvements

  1. What does this mean ?

    Will the dugouts be ADA compliant ?

  2. What about the dirt in the berm? Has anything came back from the state for inspection?

    1. So we can now spend money for a parking space nobody will use to go to a building that has no purpose. Enjoy your new tax bill.

  3. This means that only ADA parking near the house has been approved as I understand it. This does not apply to anything else related to a field or any other park “amenity” proposed. The village has not yet performed the $39k soil testing mandated by the NJDEP.

  4. The house should be checked for the black mold that Mr. Halaby pointed out was in the basement when he visited the house. Black mold is very toxic and I would think the village council should ensure that there is a clean bill of health given to that house prior to anyone paying rent to use the house for events or meetings. I assume this will be part of the process.

  5. Why hasn’t the village tested the dirt yet? What are they hiding? Are they trying to pull some kind of scam again?

  6. If you look at the big open space to the left of the historic house and across the highway, you will be able to see the digital billboard which is up for a vote by Ridgewood’s Zoning Board. Oh it will be historic all right and word is that we have Gail Price to thank for bringing it to Ridgewood as it would be erected right near the Old Paramus historic church and cemetary. It is always sad when people are motivated by money and don’t think past their own interests as to what is best for the community.

    1. lets hope once she wins this application in front of zoing board, shes able to pay her property taxes?

  7. Just test the dirt wall . We would like to know.

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