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Homeless Man Accused of Beating Lodi Woman leaving her Hospitalized

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Lodi NJ, a homeless man was charged in Lodi for aggravated assault in connection with an Aug. 3 beating of a woman that left her hospitalized with a traumatic brain injury.

Anthony Iavarone, 63, was charged with aggravated assault, a second-degree crime, and endangering an injured victim, a third-degree crime. Officers then issued a warrant for his arrest.

According to the complaint during the course of a verbal dispute, Iavarone punched the woman in the face and body several times, and kicked her while she was on the ground. He then grabbed her by the hair and proceeded to strike her in the face, causing unconsciousness, brain bleeding and head trauma.

The complaint accused , Iavarone of “purposely or knowingly manifesting extreme indifference to the value of human life,” and “recklessly causing serious bodily injury,” and he then left the scene “knowing or reasonably believing” that the woman was physically helpless, mentally incapacitated or otherwise able to care for herself, according to the complaint.

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