Scrabble, the game that has been a source of never-ending delight to millions of Americans and citizens of all nations, was invented in 1933 by Alfred Mosher Butts. The architect was then out of work, and the Great Depression was in full swing. But the game has continued to enthrall fans ever since. However, not all the cool tips and tricks that make mastery over the game more accessible are known to everyone. You really shouldn’t waste time to try these nifty little scrabble hacks that work like a charm. They are as follows:
Make Sure That You Put Letter Surrounding The Bonus Tiles
There is little chance for you to get outstanding at scrabble unless you properly use the provisions for the bonus double and triple letter and word tile spaces. A word finder for scrabble is incredibly helpful to carry this out. These are the tile spaces you want your words to be in whenever you cannot come up with a high-scoring word. It will also help you keep your rivals’ points in check and prevent them from scoring high.
Pay Special Attention To A, E, I, L, N, R, S, and T
The letters A, E, I, L, N, R, S, and T are particularly crucial in scrabble. These eight letters are the magic letters in a scrabble game. They are the most common alphabets in the dictionary and help you come up with words when you can’t think of any.
Memorize Words Of Two Or Three Letters
This nifty hack will let you accumulate points faster and with greater ease. While it is indeed true that it is hard to pull off a scrabble move with such two-letter or three-letter words, you can nail down opponents by using such words on bonus spaces. And what better way to keep stock of such terms than by committing it to memory.
Be On The Hunt For Bingo Words
All seasoned Scrabble players know it is most convenient to have a bingo move or put into use your entire deck in a single word in one turn. Such terms will help you collect 50 extra points other than the usual score of the word. It is game-decisive!
Learn Your Prefixes And Suffixes Well
Using words add-ons like prefixes and suffixes, you can add to your score using words carefully put together by other players. Prefixes and suffixes are also great at pulling off a bingo move.
Make Sure To Use Q Fast
Dedicated scrabble fans are well familiar with how tough it is to use a Q tile. This difficulty is mostly because of the limited number of words that use the letter. So, it is wise to use it at the first opportunity you get. Q tiles also help you to gain an advantage over rivals when you place them in power spots.
Memorize Words With Q But Missing U
You don’t want to save a q just because your rack is missing u. There are about 33 words in Scrabble that work with the letter q alone, for example, faqir.
Set Aside J, X, Z For Triple Or Double Point Spots
Another quick fix to racking up the points is to use J, X, and Z properly. Not only are they far more common than q in terms of available words, but if you use them in double or triple word or letter spots, you stand to acquire 2x or 3x the number of points.
Watch Out For Hooks
In Scrabble, when you modify a word made by a rival by using your letter resulting in a new word in the opposite direction, the move is called a hook. Hooks are a great hack as it lets you collect points from both your own and your rival’s words.
Make Judicious Use Of Parallels
Parallels are especially useful in getting out the vowels in your racks but still get a good number of points. You are free to place them parallelly on other words, and each word you come up with will earn you points. But seasoned players know it is best to wait for a sweet spot near bonus spots or letters with a high amount of points. Such situations are another example where two or three-letter words prove to be of invaluable help.
Granted, you get to lose on a turn but swapping letters increases your chances at scoring and scoring well in the next turn. But be wary of this move and carry it out only when your rack is tough. Also, you should follow the rules when you trade in tiles.
It isn’t that difficult to brush up on your word game and rack up your Scrabble score if you know some of the little-known strategies associated with the game. While it is indeed true that all players exhibit a style unique to them, some basic principles should help them get maximum points out of their Scrabble game. Lastly, remember it’s just a game, and remember to play it in the proper spirit. It is a game that helps you enrich your intellect, especially your vocabulary. May the wizard of words win!