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The Ridgewood Board of Education and Village Council to form a Joint Task Force to Investigate and Explore Solutions to Field Flooding

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photo by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Superintendent of Ridgewood Schools Thomas Gorman told North Jersey Media on Wednesday that the district is still assessing the most recent damage after the Ho-Ho-kus brook flooded the RHS Stadium and Stevens Field at Ridgewood High School .

Superintendent  Gorman stated that  the cost of repairs to the fields from previous storms , Henri in August and Ida in September were estimated at $260,000, of which $160,000 was covered by insurance.

Superintendent  Gorman explained that , “The Board of Education and the Village Council have agreed to form a joint task force to investigate this problem and explore possible solutions,”

10 thoughts on “The Ridgewood Board of Education and Village Council to form a Joint Task Force to Investigate and Explore Solutions to Field Flooding

  1. Possible solutions ?

    Gorman is spitting into the wind.

  2. Why now, this has been an ongoing problem for years.

  3. “a Joint Task Force ”

    Well, they didn’t call it a commission so it must be for real…………………………………

  4. “explore possible solutions,”

    More weasel words………………………

    Will take more time than Magellan.

  5. Better late than never

  6. One only has to look at what property owners at the shore do to keep dry. Field elevation seems to be the logical solution to this issue. Dredging would be intrusive and expensive. Building up a wall near the fields would create unintended flood damage, both up and down stream. Create higher ground or spend and spend on repairs….

  7. I read a bio on Magellan….it was pretty good!

  8. FWIW, Noah performed the noted function quite admirably, and all on his own, ultimately negotiating the Noahic Covenant sealed by a REAL rainbow (not the “Pride” type that has so thoroughly entranced our quasi-Catholic former Mayor, and the Ridgewood District’s BOE and Superintendent).

    Clearly, this commenter digresses.

    That said, do we really need a “Joint Task Force”?

  9. A joint commission is unnecessary: these fields, including Maple Park East, should have remained grass fields, not turf fields which decrease water infiltration into our water supply. They are all in our flood plain! which we need for our aquifers. Solution: return to natural environment rather than synthetic one (which no doubt has chemicals that leech into our water table).
    Additionally, new state regulations in fact now have greater buffers for our brooks and they would not be allowed to be in such proximity to the Hohokus Brook. Ridgewood and NJDEP never considered the flooding that was already in place — and is now increasing with heavier rains and greater frequency. Return the fields to their natural state, alongside of some green infrastructure projects, and Ridgewood will have a healthier, more viable and productive open space. The turf fields generate tremendous urban heat, offer infections and cancer down the line. Do you want that for your kids? Time to wise up…. work with nature, not contractors or developers seeking to concrete every ounce of land, including our parks and fields! Turf fields are not sustainable. Adding fill to prop up and elevate the grounds or building walls is absolutely foolish and will create ever more flooding downstream! Expenditures by taxpayers will really escalate and the safety and health of residents will be jeopardized ever more so.
    More information is needed about the release of sewage from upstream Waldwick that empties into the Brook and contaminates the ‘valley’. Planning Board and other town agencies need to collaborate on water issues, including our future flooding.

  10. We have noticed that a lot of the old field stone retaining walls along the brook that was built many years ago have collapsed, where they help don’t know , but they were built there for a reason. And another problem is how many residents throw debris in the brook, or they leave it on the banks of the property and the brook, and Landscaper is blowing leaves right into the book.

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