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Is Full day Kindergarten Right for Ridgewood ?

March 17,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Fishbein presented a recommendation to the Board on bringing full-day Kindergarten to Ridgewood. His proposal is to fund a full-day program through a tax increase approved by voters this November in a second question.

While is seems an obvious great deal for parents , shifting costs away from baby sitters , the NJEA more teachers , the Ridgewood blog has yet to hear a definitive answer on how this is going to help the kids?

A study from Chloe R. Gibbs at the University of Virginia holds some preliminary good news for proponents of full-day kindergarten.

“Though many of the most important implications of the study won’t be clear until the students studied are much older, the first-of-its-kind randomized trial of full-day kindergarten shows sizable learning advantages for full-day students at the end of the kindergarten year.”

While in the past the longer day seems to have far greater impact in districts in lower social economic standing than Ridgewood .

Same study ,”As a result, any difference in the groups’ outcomes may be due to full-day kindergarten or may be caused by other differences in their lives outside the classroom — such as disparities in access to learning opportunities and academic support at home — typically associated with living in poverty.”

Residents have till now expressed concerns over costs , and what some parents have characterized as the “loss of childhood” . While others have felt it necessary given this era of overuse of standardized tests , but many are just not sold on the notion that longer hours equal better education .

12 thoughts on “Is Full day Kindergarten Right for Ridgewood ?

  1. I believe that it is the life outside the classroom that makes a difference.

    In unstable home environments children are better off spending the day at school. They can get healthcare screenings, counseling and two meals. It makes a big difference in their lives.

  2. No way enough is enough..100 M school budget is so Fat and wasteful, it’s outrageous to even field this proposal.

  3. Make the baby sitting club people pay tuition, the school budget is getting out of hand.

  4. This is a particularly sensitive moment to introduce something that will definitely increase taxes by a lot.

  5. From the village that brought you ‘Ready, Set, Relax.’ now is pushing for ‘Hurry up and get to school’ to their 5 year olds.

  6. Even with a tuition scheme…even if not overturned by supporters as an add in no tuition expansion,, in say year five. still the VOR TAXPAYERS ON THE HOOK FOR MASSIVE BENEFITS costs Retirements pensions etc for those new teachers and monitors..summers off .good gig..

  7. VOTE NO IN NOV!!!! Enough is enough. We spend enough, kids get enough. Enough!!

  8. 12.36. It’s those urgent mid day yoga and cycling lunch clubs. Hey I am a sap at work. Why not?.we should pay for everyone’s’s utopia here..other people’s money never an issue

  9. This could be the final straw driving empty nesters away in droves. Good luck educating the countless children who will move into their homes. How about a property tax freeze for Ridgewood seniors that does not require near-poverty income, as the state does? (It’s available, by the way–tell any financially hard-pressed seniors you know to explore this!)

  10. This most definately will be the final straw for me. My last one graduates RHS in June; I never imagined I would put up the “For Sale” sign but I hate everything that the Village is doing. High density housing, garages, Valley Hospital expansion, full day kindergarten. My house is the perfect starter for a young family trying to get into Ridgewood.

  11. When I put my 5 bedroom house on the market I am going to advertise in professional journals for Asians

  12. By the time this goes thru, I am sure the administrators at Cottage Pl will have long moved up and out….

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