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Trenton NJ, Senator Jim Holzapfel, Assemblymen Greg McGuckin, and Assemblyman John Catalano (all R-10) said Governor Phil Murphy is attempting to squash any dissenting viewpoints on the New Jersey State Board of Education with new nominations announced yesterday.
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“It’s telling that of the nine holdovers currently serving on the State Board of Education, the governor is only appointing nominees to replace the three who vocally opposed the new sex education standards,” said Holzapfel. “The clear message from the Murphy administration is that there’s no room for dissenting opinions in education, especially if that might interfere with the indoctrination of our children.”
Governor Murphy nominated three new members to the State Board of Education yesterday to replace Mary Elizabeth Gazi, Mary Beth Berry, and Andrew Mulvihill.
Gazi, Berry, and Mulvihill voted against the new sex education standards in 2020 and urged the Acting Commissioner of Education to reconsider those standards before they took effect this year.
“Governor Murphy wants the State Board of Education to be a rubber stamp for every insane idea that progressives want to force into our classrooms through curriculum mandates that districts can’t ignore,” said McGuckin. “Gone is the notion that a variety of viewpoints on the Board should serve as a moderating influence to prevent education from going extreme in any direction.”
Nine of the thirteen members on the State Board of Education, including Gazi, Berry, and Mulvihill, have expired terms and are serving in holdover status until replacements are appointed.
The governor has not made nominations to replace the six members in holdover status who supported the new sex education mandates.
“Governor Murphy doesn’t want any real debate about what’s appropriate to teach in our schools to young children,” added Catalano. “If you disagree with him, you’re out. Apparently, the governor’s big tent of diversity and inclusion doesn’t have any room for parents who don’t think their 7-year-old children should be learning about gender identity and sex.”
This is very upsetting.
Murphy only gets advice from those who agree with him. On any issue.
Ask any people or groups who have other points of view if they are ever included in his “strategy sessions.”
He thinks he is still at Goldman Sachs and can just tell people what to do.
But hey, RICH AND STUPID voters, you knew this before you voted for him the first time, but you still voted for him.
But you got what you wanted and i am happy for you. Be happy for your kids, too, when they come home uneducated but fully indoctrinated.
Were at the point now where all democrats wish to be dictators. Becoming exactly what they feared about trump!
Look up Fascism in the dictionary and you see a picture of Democrats
It’s Settled Science.
This is classic american politics of the last few years. And truth is voters seem to like these policies otherwise there is no reason why they vote the likes of Murphy over and over again. Yes, it is true most of these voters are lied to (the rest are plain communists but with money) but the other side (repubs and independent) are doing very little to forcefully expose the psychopaths. There is no escape.