Photo credit: Boyd A. Loving
“Jaws of Life” needed to free driver in late night Ridgewood crash
March 1,2014
Boyd A. Loving
12:26 AM
Ridgewood NJ, Ridgewood FD firefighters needed the “Jaws of Life” to free the female driver of an Acura TL after she was pinned in her car following a late night, two-vehicle crash at the intersection of Linwood and Walthery Avenues. After being removed from her vehicle, the driver was transported by ambulance to Hackensack University Medical Center with what were described by police on the scene as non life threatening injuries.
A black Audi involved in the crash sustained very heavy front end damage, but its driver refused medical aid, as did two other vehicle occupants. Both vehicles were removed by flatbed tow truck. Responding were Ridgewood PD, FD, and EMS, Bergen County PD, and a paramedic unit from The Valley Hospital. Ridgewood PD issued four (4) summonses in connection with the crash; details of their nature and to whom the summonses were issued were not made available at the scene.
Our quiet little streets can be very dangerous. When will all these accidents stop????? Are they checking the cell phones and texting of these drivers? People don’t just drive into each other on a clear night unless someone behind a wheel is DISTRACTED.
The intersection is terrible. When heading south on Walthery you cannot see westbound Linwood Ave traffic at the intersection. Many vehicles make illegal turns onto Walthery and the police have been unresponsive to residents complaints.
Me thinks someone blew a stop sign here. Looks like the Acura was broadsided.
The laws have to be changed so the police can check phones when these accidents occur.
Illegal turn onto walthery from linwood ave westbound? you mean after 4pm? that doesn’t cause accidents!
Accidents are caused by distracted drivers, unless there is ice or other weather factors, which was not the case last night. It is getting to be ridiculous out there driving around when half the drivers are on the phone, texting, sipping lattes, combing their hair, shaving with electric razors, etc. When are people going to realize that driving is serious and dangerous if not conducted properly???
If someone takes the cell phone they cannot prove that I was texting or reading at the time of the accident. How would they prove the exact time of the accident to compare to the phone? If I am reading they cannot tell.
Unlawful search would come into play too. They cannot seize my phone after an accident.
A little ‘history lesson’ for the residents of Walthery.
Before most of you moved here it was a nice quiet street.
Then about 1976-1980 the state dept of transportation decided to eliminate the traffic lights on Rt 17 at Racetrack Rd. in Hohokus and Lake Street in Ramsey.
Ramsey got an overpass so no change in traffic patterns.
Hohokus got nothing since the bureaucrats assumed (wrong of course) that the traffic for Upper Ridgewood, Midland Park and parts of Waldwick would simply use Hollywood ave.
Of course you see the results. All of this traffic during the rush hour from Rt 17 now goes on west on linwood and migrates through walthery to glen ave, before going to upper ridgewood or midland park (prospect ave).
You don’t get this traffic in the morning rush because it enters RT 17 south on Glen ave in Ridgewood or Racetrack road in Hohokus.
If any of the residents are politically ‘motivated’, we could alleviate LOTS of traffic in Ridgewood if there was an overpass for traffic from Rt 17 north to Hollywood ave west.
THe state DOT pissed away MILLIONS on sound barriers for the folks who bought next to an existing highway *Rt 17, Rt 80* in Lodi, Rochelle Park and Hackensack. This money COULD be used to build an overpass to alleviate the traffic problem they caused in the Walthery/Linwood neighborhood.
#7 you are a moron. Of course they can tell what was going on with your phone at the moment of impact. Your phone should be OFF when you are driving. Obviously you are part of the epidemic problem. Do us all a favor and quit driving. Thank you.
Well #7, guess what. The Supreme Court is currently considering whether the CAN search your phone if you are in an accident. So don’t be so sure of yourself. The law may change soon. Just hang up before you drive.
#7 currently, armed with probable cause a crime or offense has been committed, the cops can seize your phone to prevent evidence destruction while they apply for a warrant to search it’s calls. This warrant application can be done by telephone. #10 I think the supreme court is considering if a warrantless search of a phone is permissible, but don’t hold me too it.
My typo. I meant if we built an overpass from Rt 17 north to Racetrack Rod. West.
A lot of misinformation and false statements here…..Read this and then continue your discussion.
Court to drivers: It’s OK to use cell phone to look at a map – Friday, February 28, 2014
It’s illegal in California to talk or text on a handheld cell phone while driving. But it’s OK to pick up your phone and look at a map to see where you’re going and how to get there.
That was the message Thursday from a state appeals court in Fresno, which threw out a driver’s traffic ticket and $165 fine for using a map app in a traffic jam.
In a 2006 state law, the Legislature responded to concerns about distracted driving “by prohibiting drivers from engaging in conversations while holding the telephone in one’s hand rather than prohibiting all hand-held uses of the telephone,” said the Fifth District Court of Appeal.
The ruling is the first appellate interpretation of a 2006 state law that restricts handheld uses of a mobile telephone while driving. The ruling will have statewide impact if it withstands further appeals.
by 686
this is New Jersey
“The law may change”. Well, it hasn’t yet. No phone seizure without owner’s permission. Can they check for newspapers too, in case the driver was reading? Or maybe the dog in case it is one of those loons driving with dog on their lap? Maybe, maybe, maybe……
#15 the cops can seize your phone if there is probable cause to believe a crime or offense has been committed, providing the cops are applying for a search warrant . The operative premise is similar to garbage bags, the cops can seize a sealed garbage bag but need a search warrant to open it and examine what’s inside the bag. The control term in regards to application, or investigation, is due diligence.
Anyone who defends the use of cell phones while driving is pathetic. And obviously such people have never lost a loved one due to a distracted driver. Whe you drive a car, you are potentially putting everyone in your path (and off your path) at risk. You are not in an insulated bubble whe you drive a two ton vehicle. Phones should not be allowed. And to someone’s stupid comment, neither should newspapers or dogs on laps. The only thing a d river should be doing is DRIVING.
Not defending the use of cell phones or any other form of distracted driving. There are laws, this is not North Korea
How will the police tell the difference between the illegal use of a phone and hands-free phone use? What if my passenger is using my phone, how will they assess the usage?
I know the most popular “politically correct’ thing is to demonize those driving while on cell phones, and many do deserve it.
Other than the initial dialing of a number (it IS permitted), what is the difference between using a handset or hands-free when drivers:
Smoke with the other hand
Change radio/CD/other entertainment options with the other hand
Eat/drink with the other hand
Shave with the other hand (ive seen it)
Read a book with the other hand (ive seen it)
Put on makeup with the other hand
Don’t get me wrong, I’m for everyone paying attention when driving…but what is the difference between the above tasks and talking on a phone (OR talking to someone else occupying the car?)
There is no argument that texting is extremtly dangerous and should not be done while driving.
The real problem is New Jersey people talk with their hands. Flailing them around making motions when talking. so ALL speaking should be banned when behind the wheel.
Yes, there are laws. ,and some need to be changed. I do not want to be killed,by a distracted driver.,,please. ,thank you.
Maybe all of you have it wrong. Maybe this guy just made a mistake and didn’t see the stop sign. That street is very dark, it has tons of crossroads, and the 5ft snow banks don’t help either.
Stop signs are posted over 5 ft high.
Yeah, right. Four summonses were issued and you want to defend the driver as having been a victim of the darkness. The poor woman who was broadsided was hurt, her car was wrecked, who knows what she has to endure as a result of this. And you want to defend the driver who got four summonses?????
Read the initial post.
4 summonses were issued but the report did not say to WHOM.
We presume it was the driver at fault, but the one not at fault might have gotten one too, for an expired sticker or no insurance card.
Lets wait and see who got the tickets to the policemans ball.
24 those summonses could be for paper work and or inspection violations, the article didn’t say what the summonses were for.