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Jingle Strings was recently filmed in the Ridgewood High School Media Lab

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photos courtesy of Ridgewood Schools
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Jingle Strings was recently filmed in the RHS Media Lab! In this collaboration between the RHS Orchestra, RHS Recording Studio, and RHS TV Club, all of the new Duffield STEAM Initiative equipment was used. Especially useful for this shoot was the remote top camera, which enabled them to get shots of musicians not able to be seen by the studio cameras

The donation by 1958 RHS graduate and technology  entrepreneur Dave Duffield via the Dave & Cheryl Duffield Foundation was designated for high school STEAM programs.

Duffield is cofounder and former chairman of PeopleSoft, and cofounder and chairman of Workday, Inc.

The donation known as the Duffield STEM (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) Initiative, was presented Monday night by The Ridgewood High School Alumni Association (RHSAA) to the Ridgewood Board of Education.


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