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Key to student success lies in the home


Key to student success lies in the home

JUNE 10, 2014, 5:17 PM    LAST UPDATED: TUESDAY, JUNE 10, 2014, 5:17 PM

Christopher de Vinck is the language arts supervisor at Clifton High School in New Jersey. His 13th book is “Moments of Grace” (Paulist Press).

LET’S CREATE a national program called “No Child Left behind,” and flood the schools with standardized tests. Let’s change the name and call it “Race to the Top.” Let’s put kids in uniforms. Let’s increase the school day. Let’s pay teachers less money. Let’s pay teachers more money. Let’s create charter schools. Let’s create schools just for boys. Let’s create schools just for girls. Let’s have kids pray in school. Let’s create common core standards. Let’s blame the college teacher-education programs. Let’s blame the teachers. Let’s blame the parents. Let’s give the governors and the business community the keys to the schools. Let’s flood the schools with technology. Let’s call schools boring. Let’s blame the curriculum.

Don’t you see how foolish we have been? Don’t you see that all of these initiatives are focused on the politics of education and not education? Don’t you realize that none of these attempts has made any difference in the education of children for the past 40 years?

Based on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (the nation’s report card), the average reading scores for 17-year-olds today is not significantly different from the scores in 1971.

For the past 43 years our nation has been dodging the real reasons why our system of education has been stagnant.

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5 thoughts on “Key to student success lies in the home

  1. This really gets to the heart of the matter. Schools cannot compensate for a difficult or troubled home.

    Students need parents who are committed to education. Parents should actively participate in the education process not just send the kids to a building for the day.

    It is insane that the teachers and schools are expected to increase performance on tests when the kids are unprepared on a daily basis.

  2. If this doesn’t hit the nail on the head I don’t know what does

  3. That’s why throwing good money after bad in Newark schools is never going to solve the problem.

  4. This should get more attention in the press. Families need to take responsibility for their children’s success

    Stop blaming teachers, stop blaming schools.

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