the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, seems politicians learned NOTHING from the first rounds of Covid. So now, with the holiday break over, and time to get kids back in the classroom, and after taxpayers shelled out about $190 billion in ransom payments to the teachers unions to get them to, you know, teach, 2,200 schools are closed today. And guess what: they are almost all in blue states and blue cities.
New Jersey (NJEA) is of course the worst offender, with over a quarter of all students in the state locked out. The effect of lost schooling for millions of school-age children were extremely negative and the kids who suffered the most were the lowest income and minority students, for whom online schooling was ineffective and alternative education opportunities were scarce.
While there is much local debate over the subject the evidence suggests that : Closing schools has been shown in study after study to actually increase spread, because students and teachers not in school are in the community, where infections spread more easily. That’s the “science” the left chooses to ignore.
Even President Joe Biden got it right when he said: “We can keep our K-through-12 schools open, and that’s exactly what we should be doing.” The Biden administration is pressing states and school districts to keep schools open – though it has little say over individual school districts, which are locally controlled. Education Secretary Miguel Cardona has been urging school leaders to ramp up testing, using federal coronavirus aid to bolster staff shortages and adopt test-to-stay policies that allow students and staff who are exposed but have no symptoms to stay in school as long as they test negative.
“We’ve been very clear, our expectation is for schools to be open full time for students for in-person learning,” Cardona said in an interview with Fox News on Sunday. “We remember the impact of school closures on students last year.”
For those moms and dads that are still unsure there are plenty of options for school choice and according to the U.S. Census Bureau’s experimental Household Pulse Survey, the first data source to offer both a national and state-level look at the impact of COVID-19 on homeschooling rates, shows a substantial increase from last spring — when the pandemic took hold — to the start of the 2020-2021 school year.
On top of homeschooling there are many schooling alternatives for your people from private tutors, private schools , education pods and so one.
The “woke” teacher’s union is making a generation of kids into those who will lack social skills, confidence and competitive drive and who will believe they can be chosen not on academic excellence because grades are “racist” and they will be given preference by the color of their skin (those of color step to the head of the class).
Liv Finne, Director of Center for Education at Washington Center “the decline in the literacy of America’a students is the result of the shift from academic ability to Critical Race Theory, Gender Pronoun Theory and lower expectation of grades”.
Parents had better keep speaking up at BOE meetings.
“The “woke” teacher’s union is making a generation of kids into those who will lack social skills, confidence and competitive drive and who will believe they can be chosen not on academic excellence because grades are “racist” and they will be given preference by the color of their skin (those of color step to the head of the class). ”
Expect to see more self-congratulatory NJEA billboards along the roads and highways……………………………
They can always open businesses creating and installing virtue signalling signs on peoples’ lawns………………
Ridgewood libs are delighted. By indoctrinating other kids, they give their kin a leg up in future competition for mates and fortune.
School choice …school taxes will travel. Phase out dead wood teachers
Those who can, do….Those who can’t, teach.
I see teachers are putting up the biggest fight against returning to the classroom. Their 2-year paid vacation has clearly become addictive, allowing them to also do a lot of tutor hustle on the side.
Instead of quoting George Bernard Shaw’s line from a drama, how about quoting a real thinker?
“Those that know do, those that understand teach.” — Aristotle.
Teachers and their union are a bunch of lazy bs artists. Close schools to protect kids which is complete nonsense. If teachers are vaccinated and if vaccines work then what is the risk? Biden tripled down today and said this is the pandemic of the get to work!
Arizona just announced that eligible families will be able to take their children’s education dollars elsewhere if their public school closes! School taxes will travel…school choice!
22 teachers out today at RHS….