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Kids Reject Michelle Obama’s “Healthy” School Lunches


Kids Reject Michelle Obama’s “Healthy” School Lunches
Tiffiny Ruegner
May 24, 2014

Michelle Obama’s new dietary restrictions is so bad that they can’t even GIVE the food away. A million kids have turned away from Obama’s school lunch and schools are feeling the huge hit.

Via The Hill:

More than a million kids confronted by healthier school lunches are turning up their noses, leaving the cafeteria and heading out to get a burger instead.

The difficulty in getting students to eat lower-fat, lower-sodium meals is at the center of a food fight between House Republicans and first lady Michelle Obama that erupted this week.

The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, supported by President Obama, requires lunch programs that receive federal dollars to provide healthier meals. The new standards began to go into effect in 2012.  Childhood obesity has spiraled in recent decades, and the first lady has made the fight against it a signature issue. Democrats say stemming the epidemic will cut healthcare costs and keep the armed forces functioning.

But Agriculture Department statistics show the number of school children in the National School Lunch Program dropped from 31.8 million in 2011 to 30.7 million in 2013. School boards are asking Congress to allow schools to opt out. Some schools are raiding their teaching budgets to cover the costs of mounds of wasted fruits and vegetables, Lucy Gettman of the National School Boards Association said.

The dietary restrictions have not actually made the food healthier. They have cut down the amount of food to cut calories which has also cut nutrients to the growing generation. When a body doesn’t have enough nutrients… it craves food more. Give us 10 years and you will see this denying kids food will have exacerbated the obesity problem. What they really needed to do was increase the amount of fresh non packaged food and either increased the food cost or encouraged volunteers over paid employees in the cafeterias for food prep to balance the extra cost for quality food.

2 thoughts on “Kids Reject Michelle Obama’s “Healthy” School Lunches

  1. School is the place for education and health and nutrition should be a part of all educational programs.

    We do not teach our kids biology and we are obviously not teaching them proper nutrition Look at the parents. We still don’t know how to eat and have become more obese over time. Parents are spending billions on weight management supplements that will do more harm than good.

    So, is the plan to just give up? Let the kids become as fat and unhealthy as the parents, with all the expensive medical problems that go with it. Do you think that medical costs for this unhealthy lifestyle will go down in the future?

  2. The plan is not to let the hypocrite first lady force pseudo science nutrition fads onto our kids.

    Interesting that the “our bodies our rights” folks are quick to impose their control on our children’s bodies….. oh yeah thats right… they do not place any value on children- since they do not vote and are sometimes an inconvenience to be excised, like a cancerous tumor, especially when in the unborn state.

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