![Last Night at Ridgewood Village Hall Rkidgewood Village Council Meeting](https://theridgewoodblog.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/WP_20160406_19_34_15_Pro.jpg)
file photo by Boyd Loving
April 28,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood bog
Ridgewood NJ, As you imagine there was a lot of talk about campaign signs in planters. According to Matt it is legal presently but there was talk of an ordinance prohibiting signs on public property or limiting the time they are permitted to be displayed.
The head of Project Pride proposed a basketball court at Vets as they are highly used and would add to the complex. A thought: Move the 60 foot baseball field to Schedler which would allow a basket ball court. However Jackie Hone brought up a great point: The Federal Migratory Act prohibits any removal,cleanup or trimming of trees during migratory season which means they can’t touch the Schedler woods until after July. By then the new council will be in place.
Probably the most important issue to many is the petition filed to rescind the bond ordinance for 11.5 million dollars to finance the Hudson Street Parking Garage. The vote was 4 to 1 in favor of moving forward. Under the Faulkner Act , the petitioners have 10 days to rescind their petition request that would result in no special election. It is not possible to postpone the election til November saving the estimated 45,000 dollars for a special election because of the timing. The vote has to occur in no less than 40 days and no more than 60 days after the 10 days allowed to the petitioners. The date of the vote in the special election will occur on June 21st.
The village engineer gave a report on contaminated sites in Ridgewood in relation to water safety which many felt was lacking full disclosure. According to Chris we’re in good shape and although we have all these underground sites cited for remediation on village owned property.
Gwenn had one”mean girl” moment when Susan asked that they postpone approving some minutes. until she could speak to Heather as Heather was unavailable( business reasons). There was some talk about why Susan needed to clarify something and then Gwenn suggested that why should one council member hold up the vote if the majority had no problem. Mike saw no reason not to allow for the postponement and Matt Rogers felt that it was a completely reasonable request and so thankfully Albert and Sir Paul didn’t object.
There were some nice moments regarding the Community Access Group and all the things they have accomplished and a future ordinance to make it a village sanctioned committee.
Mike obtained a grant for shade tree enhancement and Earth Day was a complete success. Anne Loving made a great comment regarding Gwenn’s comment about her dogs and Paul’s dog enjoying Van Neste Park on Earth Day. Anne reminded everyone that there is an ordinance banning dogs in that very park. Some thought it would be great if they had received tickets and then we changed the ordinance to allow dogs in the parks as we love dogs , but Paul and Gwenn not so much!
Don’t rescind the petition based on any threat of a special election.
Sick ruitishauser on the sign owners he loves writing summonses and sitting in court for nothing. This guy must have been picked on as a child