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Lights at Habenickel Park in Ridgewood?

Healthbarn USA ridgewood

August 7,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog and readers

Ridgewood NJ, Funny how if you watch the 5 minute clip Tim Cronin announces no new lights on the home or park. 8 months later there are several new spot lights on the home, barn and now 2 commercial poles with footings and very bright lights in a parking lot in a park that closes at dusk and STAY on ALL night.

Also maybe because the speaker said no one uses the lot and very happily did Roberta agree, this is why this business was GIVEN 12 parking spots of her own for her business with no additional charge!

Sorry baseball families you are moved to the street. Just what the neighbors didn’t want…fishy!!!

Watch this – — this was promised during the public hearings.

11 thoughts on “Lights at Habenickel Park in Ridgewood?

  1. Every single concern this speaker has and was told would NOT happen …HAS. Stacy antine broke her lease by putting up multiple signs. Roberta knew this and over looked it for her buddy Stacy. It has now been taken care of through letters to Green acres. As this speaker stated she was concerned about excess numbers. Well now it seems 95 plus people could be there at once yet fire code in the building is 49. And yes lights have been added Tim and Roberta. Many many lights….who are we to believe anymore??? How can we trust these employees of the village. This video shows absolute proof of tax payers being LIED to by Tim as Roberta looks on !

  2. I want to see the bids that came in for this property. As per green space rules the propert had to be advertised in a fair manner.

  3. And yet Roberta is still the VM. Go figure.

  4. Who is paying for these lights to be ON ALL night?
    How much money have we spent so far for repairs at the house / installing the lights / fixing the park for her?
    Tim mentioned in this video they have changed the windows etc. I am sure installing these lights would have costed a Fortune. This heavy equipment to fix the teaching garden area for her (shown in the picture above) doesn’t come for cheap.
    Roberta mentioned last week they were fixing air conditioning and the quarterly report mentions flooring etc?
    Village employees continue to spend hours and hours supporting her business.
    Are we even breaking even?

  5. Again, why is Roberta still employed?

  6. No wonder citizens sceptical of any new cost exposures projects by VOR or new social engineering boondoggles cost always escalated when one fix leads to 4 more. Ie windows then paint then landscape then lights etc

  7. There is no breaking even because all she does is pay 3700 a month rent. Same as the previous tenant did!! The previous tenant did not have the town or the VM bending over backwards for them. They did not insist on more lighting, 100×30 foot peice of property for private use, use of the grounds with upto 95 kids , signs advertising their personal agenda and lastly they did not use 12 spots in a lot that is used for town sports. I guess baseball families got the shaft here! Thanks Ridgewood!

  8. Lies, lies, and more lies. Secrets and lies. A fine way to run a town.

  9. Here we go again…lights in peoples’ backyards….

  10. Change the name to Hillcrest Park

  11. The name should certainly be changed. Irene habernickel charged a fortune for that property. She donated nothing!! And Gwen destroyed it with healthbarn ( a private business) took parking away from baseball, put cars into the street, added traffic, noise and lights. Change it asap.

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