photos by Derek Michalski
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, yesterday Lisa’s Mediterranean Cuisine and Park West on Oak Street in Ridgewood, packed up and donated 40 gourmet diners for the doctors and nurses at Valley Hospital in Ridgewood.
Lisa’s Mediterranean Cuisine owner Lisa Mayisoglu said, “its a critical time for everyone to get together and help each other “.
Lisa came up with the idea after he daughter a trauma emergency nurse in Hackensack ,Linda Mayisoglu told her about the pressures and work hours doctors and nurses are now facing due to the coronavirus outbreak .
Hospitals are currently experiencing crucial equipment shortages like “masks” ( N95 masks, Surgical masks, Face shields or goggles, Fluid resistant isolation gowns ,Non-latex (nitrile) gloves ). And suffering from staff shortages ,putting a lot of pressure on the doctors and nurses who are showing up . As of yesterday there are now a total of 11 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Ridgewood.
Lisa’s Mediterranean Cuisine will be partnering with other Ridgewood restaurants like Park West to deliver food to the doctors and nurses at Valley Hospital. If you looking to get involved contact Lisa at Lisa’s Mediterranean Cuisine (201) 251-8686.
Derek Michalski in coordination with nurse Dawn delivered the food Saturday night to Valley Hospital around 6pm.
Derek Michalski, a resident of Upper Saddle River, who has many clients and friends In Ridgewood area. Ridgewood Strong! – he adds. No, America Strong he corrects himself! We will beat this Coronavirus monster. No matter what it takes.
Tell the truth @RWDSupt & @ridgewoodpatch @Rpdnj @RamonHache are the superintendent & the mayor hiding the fact students at certain schools &/or their parents tested positive 4 coronavirus & they didn’t tell the teachers, students &/or parents. Should they not be liable to all??
Lisa’s restaurant is one of my favorites! Blessings to all of the staff. Thank you for helping out during this time of need!