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Low Street Signs Block vision between Bicyclists, Motorists and Pedestrians in Paramus

IMG 4815

photos courtesy of Francis Geraghty

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Paramus NJ, recently a couple of pedestrian signs were installed at 650 From road Paramus, near  Marriott Fairfield Inn .These low signs which were installed to protect pedestrians could very well cause an accident because they block vision between bicyclists, motorists and pedestrians. Hope you will inform proper authorities of low signs and prevent an accident just like the sign at Maple and Marshall street in Ridgewood which was moved up a few feet after a cyclist / pedestrian accident.

IMG 4821

IMG 4816



4 thoughts on “Low Street Signs Block vision between Bicyclists, Motorists and Pedestrians in Paramus

  1. Oh yeah, not smart.

  2. ” Hope you will inform proper authorities of low signs…”

    I don’t know… why don’t YOU just inform proper authorities rather than just passing off the responsibilities to others just so you can “feel good about doing something” when you actually did nothing.

  3. And these are the same people you want running our healthcare?

    You know, the same people who run our DMV, Education, Mass Transit, etc.

    1. Yes, the solutions are there, it’s settled science, we’ve said it’s doable, and YOU are assigned to do it.

      Typical government BS.

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