>Farmer’s Market at the Train Station
Jersey Fresh – Opens June 29th
Sundays, from June 29 to October 26, 2008, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Ridgewood Train Station Parking Lot – A wide variety of fresh-for-your-table-produce, baked goods and speciality foods will be available at the out door market. Additional seasonal products are mozzarella, homemade james, flowers and huge selection of pickles and olives will be available. For more information call the Chamber at (201) 445-2600
Lou Gallo Imagination Workshop Band
Childrens Program
Enjoy Lou Gallo from the Imagination Workshop Band at the Kasschau Shell at 8:30pm on Tuesday, July 1. Bring a chair or blanket and enjoy this free concert under the stars! SPONSORS: Glenn Godart,DMD Warren Boardman,DMD Michael & Nicole Clemente, DMD & Village of Ridgewood. Rain info at 7pm 201/444-1776
Island Breeze, Calypso, Raggae, Latin Jazz
Kasschau Shell
Thursday, July 3 at 8:30pm bring your chairs or blanket and enjoy this free concert under the stars on Veteran’s Field! Sponsored by Citizen’s Community Bank
Ridgewood Concert Band
Concert before the Fireworks!
Ridgewood Concert Band will play patriotic music at the Kasschau Shell on Veteran’s Field on the Fourth of July starting at 6:30PM. Come here your favorites – Stars and Strips Forever, 76 Trombones, etc.
Independence Day – July 4th
Support our All Volunteer Celebration!
Schedule: 9AM Flag Raising 10AM Parade (rain or shine) 6:30PM Entertainment on Vet’s Field – ($5 in advance/$10 at the gate) Mayor’s Welcome; Music; Sky divers; Hot dogs/hamburgers/ice cream for sale. Fireworks at Dusk. Go to www.ridgewoodjuly4th.org further details. Or call 201/602-1922
Squeaky Clean, Vintage Rock n’ Roll
Kasschau Shell on Vets Field
Tuesday, July 8 at 8:30PM, bring your chair or blanket to enjoy this free concert under the stars! APONSORS: Hudson City Savings Bank; Kings Supermarket. After 7pm rain info available at 201/444-1776
Tony Dungy
Special Children’s Event!
Wednesday, July 9th – 6:00pm
Former NFL Player and Super Bowl Winning Coach with the Indianapolis Colts, Tony Dungy will sign his first Children’s Book (ages 4-7) titled: You Can Do It! Please welcome back Coach Dungy to Bookends… his Bestselling Book last Year was Quiet Strength and the Event was a sellout! Bring the kids!