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Many New Jersey State Government Websites are Down


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, searches this morning revealed many New Jersey Government state site are down or offline this morning . The Ridgewood blog ran a check and found some functions on  NJMVC offline , the Office of New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy, NJDEP, NJDOL and NJDOH all offline at 7:20 am this morning(04/03/21) . Currently there is no information available as to the nature of the problem.


5 thoughts on “Many New Jersey State Government Websites are Down

  1. Yup big goverment is gonna save you

  2. So what lessons have we learned from the last 12-months?

    Government-run services have basically fallen off a cliff while the private sector has done its utmost to keep going. Now why is this?

  3. Yeah like motor vehicle went to shit.

  4. But they will do a better job with our healthcare!

  5. all these do-nothing state government employees collected full pay on their ‘covid vacation’

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