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Mastercard Launches Tech that Lets you Pay with your Face

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Mastercard is launching a program for retailers to offer biometric payment methods. Customers will be able to authenticate their payments through facial recognition or fingerprint scanning at checkout instead of using their cards. The system has already been tested in five grocery stores in Brazil. Mastercard plans to roll out the system globally later this year. The biometric tools are part of Mastercard’s plans for the metaverse.

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9 thoughts on “Mastercard Launches Tech that Lets you Pay with your Face

  1. Holy smokes…

  2. THAT face has been making us pay for a few years……………………….

  3. Yuck! The smell wafting out of those filthy yellowed teeth and mouths must stink like…you know what

  4. I’ll wager that when Murphy cracks a smile it get charged to Morton Downey Jr account

  5. Yeah.
    This will end well…

  6. Do not give away your biological data for presumed convenience until it becomes mandatory, as it probably will. But not yet.

  7. Match made in hell…

  8. Evil comes in many faces but if there were to be a contest I think this picture of them would be probably the winner. Ugly faces that reflect ugly souls.

    1. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris might give then a run for ugly souls.

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