the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, the Village Manager Keith Kazmark confirmed in an email the that Matrix New World Engineering will be conducting soil sampling beginning tomorrow, Friday, May 3, 2024 after being delayed from April 19th.
Kazmark said, “Please be advised that Matrix New World Engineering will be conducting soil sampling beginning tomorrow, Friday, May 3, 2024, at
the Schedler property, upon the conditional approval granted by the NJ DEP on April 3, 2024 (letter attached). The NJ DEP has been
advised of the testing taking place tomorrow. Please also know that Matrix will be drilling on the property, which could create noise
during their work effort. Please be patient and refrain from calling the Police Department, as this is expected.
Any questions or inquiries regarding this work effort should be directed to my office or to Village Engineer Chris Rutishauser and not to any staff or private employees on the property performing the work.”
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Just a formality, we will never get the truth.
I couldn’t agree more. This village council and mayor have been so dishonest about everything, including purchase of the property in the CBD, the old garage that eventually came to light. How can we believe one word that comes out of their mouth when all they do is lie? It is disgraceful and the council all knowing about what happened on the property, did next to nothing to investigate and would have put a field there without checking to see if the soil was adequate and safe.
They’re not worried.
We’ll vote them (or their ilk) back into office
because we are
(well… you know what we are)
“Fool Me Once, Shame on You, Fool Me Twice, Shame on Me” Fool Me Three Times ______ (fill in Sucker)
Oh matrix , 🤨
I was just going to say how will we know the results are real? Will they also test the soil at Habernickel? That barn had farm equipment in for decades. Oil, gas and who know what else
Resident called the NJDEP so that is why the soil is getting tested. The village will not initiate this unless they are humiliated into doing so in a public setting. Otherwise bupkiss. Ridgewood residents can rant but unless you take action nothing is going to happen. #NJDEP
I want to know who picked this company,
Don’t trust anyone. Remember that land sits in between state and county land, don’t forget that road is County Road from Route 17 to the Hohokus line.
Village of Ridgewood transparency is a clear as the soil at Schedler, NOT