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Mayor Knudsen is doing her best. She is one person with a whole crew fighting against her

New Ridgewood Village Council

The attached article makes me sad. People attacking the Mayor and people (council folk included ) posting articles in favor of a business is just hurting other people. Why bring the mayors kids into it, why bring a kid into that has nothing to do with it ( ward’s son). Mayor Knudsen is doing her best. She is one person with a whole crew fighting against her. Why? Healthbarn is a business owned by a New Yorker that was placed in a quiet neighborhood. If you support it and want to use it no one is saying you can’t. Just also be respectful of where it is NOW and why people are upset. Take a step back from your selfish behavior and come up with a solution. Help not hinder because all the postings in support of healthbarn are embarrassing the business ( I feel ) because NOT one person has said WHY it is good for Ridgewood. The business can still function and charge Ridgewood for the activities it sponsors if it were somewhere else and not changing the quality of life for a neighborhood. Maybe put it back at the Stable. There is a park, a playground and so forth that still can be used by her paying clients. If it is so loved by some think of a plan BUT do not dis respect tax payers who have had their quality of life changed and are seeking support from their council.

42 thoughts on “Mayor Knudsen is doing her best. She is one person with a whole crew fighting against her

  1. I’m sick and tired of this all talk no action council. You can bet if HealhBarn were at Schedler #SelfServingSusan would have figured out a way to do something more than talk about it.

  2. Make no mistake Mayor Knudsen has her own crew working hard for her. Stop playing the victim.

  3. Someone commented on another thread and im trying to find out if true “kudsens sons took the New Jersey Civil Service test in 2013. One year before she was elected. They PASSED and New Jersey Civil Service applied the laws Ridgewood had in place in 2013. Nothing Knudsen participated in or voted on could change a pre-existing list”

    If the commenter is correct then Don Dezio perpetrated a fraud on all of us. Anyone posting about the topic should have accurate information before comment. Can the information be confirmed?

  4. 10:44am bull*#@ and you know it. Knidsen voted against healthbarn at Habenickel and was the only one to support us residents. Your stupid hashtag is a joke #dontbefooledbyliars

  5. Looks like the nasties have  officially kicked off their campaign on the Ridgewood Blog with the sad smear tactics of the past. Fortunately Ridgewood residents are smarter and will probably reject the #Smear2win and #spreadlies bunch. 
    Don’t forget who they are and their affiliates. Weitz Willett Brooks Delzio Halaby Aronsohn Hauck Sonenfeld to name a few.

  6. I support Mayor Knudsen. She has been consistent in her positions and supportive of residents. She helped me with an issue and I’m grateful.

  7. 10:44 AM She had hearings on the Health Barn issues, listened to the public, worked with Parks and Rec to come up with a compromise that would best address everyone’s concerns. The lease is for 5 years with an additional year if certain perameters are met. As far as Schedler is concerned, the same is true. There were many of us who didn’t want the area destroyed for a 90 foot baseball diamond. Now the schools are saying they don’t actuall6 need it. The present council revisited the issue. I might add that the giant garage that the previous council wanted to build was thwarted and because of our mayor and her council, we will see a garage built that will better fit in with the neighborhood both in size and aesthetics. Thank you, Mayor Knudsen.

  8. Look like the force is strong with Mayor Knudsen crew.

  9. NO garage and NO ball field. HealthBarn OUT.

  10. I hope Knudsen runs again though I don’t know why she would. These attacks have been disgusting and unjustified. We should be sending her thanks and flowers.


  11. Mayor Knudsen did compromise with Schedler. She campaigned on keeping it undeveloped and saving the eagles.

    She certainly doesn’t have the makings of a Susan B. Anthony; more like a teeny bopper Susie Q who wants to be popular above all. That is really not a criticism. Most people have no mettle.

    But when it comes time to vote I will not vote for her or for the others on the council I voted for last time.

    a disappointed resident

    In wildness is the preservation of the world. Henry David Thoreau.

  12. I think Mayor Knudsen is a good person. She does not have a good team to support her.
    I have been interacting with her on various issues for last 2+ years and have watched her doing her work and I can say without a doubt that she is honest and wants to do right things. She doesn’t have good support from her fellow council members and the village staff, which probably limits the output.

  13. 606…hahahaha…. you lose…..i just love it….

  14. 7:41 “She doesn’t have good support from her fellow council members and the village staff, which probably limits the output.” Is that what she told you? WOW

  15. Paul Smith, what a nasty jerk you are. You must be a graduate of the Don Delzio school of bile.

  16. I support her completely. Susan Knudsen is the real deal. She is honest to the nth degree. And she is not vindictive. She keeps her cool even when under attack. She’s a class act.

  17. 8:33 I agree with 7:41pm somewhat. Heather is a good village manager and Sedon, Hache and Walsh are good. Voight is a disaster and meets with residents privately to bash knudsen, Sedon and Hache. He orchestrates public comment and asked me to come to the microphone and accuse Knudsen of doing something illegal. Not only did I refuse I told Knudsen everything voigt said. He is a nasty liar.

    I’ll vote for knudsen again and think the entire council would be better off without voigt.

  18. 855…im not a nasty jerk. The mayor is doing fine in my view. Idiotic commentary from 606 is a hoot. Ive never met don but obviously more of a class act than you. Luddite moron is a good descriptive for you. Thanks neighbor. I do know who you are based on your crude writing style.

  19. 7:32pm I don’t believe the village council voted to adopt the compromise plan. Is it possible.more work will be done. I thought it was a preliminary concept plan.. did they vote on it? How did knudsn4 vote?
    Either way I thinks she’s smart to compromise. I am curious about how they all voted.

  20. I’m very happy with the job Knudsen is doing. She has a nice way about her.

  21. Good 7:32pm don’t vote for knudsen and we’ll all be stuck with clear cutting and a 90′ baseball diamond. You won’t have to worry about your fking eagles, they’ll be knocked out with fowl foul balls. Next.time vote for Weitz willed brooks. Skyscrapers oversized garage over development schedler completely flattened for a sports field extravaganza. 7:32pm will look back with regret. Compromise and knudsen looking better everyday.

  22. Commenter here should try not to abuse the anonymity option. If you find yourself using the pronoun “I”, consider identifying yourself. Otherwise just stick to the facts, and to assertions that follow naturally from the facts. Does it really make sense to broadcast a strident but otherwise unsupported opinion or attitude while still hiding behind the moniker “anonymous”? If you want a strong, personally-held opinion or judgment based on unstated information to have persuasive force, you might want to tell the class who you are.

  23. 10:41pm, everyone knows who you are. There is just one person in the village who uses 10 lines to say something that can be said in 1 line and confuses all listeners / readers.

  24. Yes Paul Smith I am your neighbor, just a few doors down. And word is that you are moving. Poor Riberta, she’ll lose one of her two supporters. Bye bye nasty creep

  25. Ill miss ya.

  26. Susan should be supported and she does try but as far as a compromise at habernickle none was reached because the business was already there with a favorable lease for the business’s needs and wants only! A compromise of neighbors and the business would be a dream but with Jeff Voight fighting against them and parks and rec completely in favor of the business not sure One will be met

  27. Very true that Jeff meets with tax payers privately. He has tried to have meetings with myself and my husband. We found it odd

  28. Yes, everyone should compromise on the environment. That is why we have so much open space. Never tell children about environmental science that open land and trees are necessary for life. Always rely on the next town the next country to provide the open space for us. Never set the example. What you do on a local level affects the national level/policy. It affects how children see the land being used. Children who will be the next policy setters and voters.

    And scientists too should compromise. It takes too long to properly test some drugs; profits are affected. So just get them out to the public. . It might take years before damage to human health will be attributed to the drug companies and they will have billions in profits so the paying of a huge fine for negligence will be chump change.

    Teach the children well ; teach them to always compromise.

    I heard that Oprah Winfrey is being asked to run for president. What does that have to do with the Ridgewood council. Everything.

    It gives thought to the idea that we may be expecting the wrong people to run for council in the first place. Currently the people who run are assumed to have a past record of time consuming involvement in local affairs; coaching teams, volunteer work the like. Maybe it would be more helpful if we eschewed those requirements and let those with strong involvement/interest in environmental and aesthetic issues. For example environmental lawyers who usually oppose development. And those who study the environment. Environmental engineers. Architects concerned with real beauty and charm of what they design. How it fits in with the natural environment. Just sayin.

  29. 8:21 “Very true that Jeff meets with tax payers privately.” So what. Did you meet with him and have a conversation about your concerns ? For you its easier to talk about people on this blog then to meet with them and express your concerns

  30. 9:44am. I am not 8:21, but I did meet with him. If I produce a recording of foul language he used to intimidate me, you all will be surprised if we are living in Ridgewood or somewhere else.

  31. Paul Smith, why are you moving? We will miss you. Hope it’s not to find 38 cents a gallon gas?

  32. Only rumors. 38 cents is tough but for 45 cents i found an Aramco in Riyadh. Don’t know if its full or self serve there.

  33. Yes 944 sadly a very small group of us did meet with him in a home and we were lied to. No foul language but out and out lies!! Then he tried again and we said NO thanks!!

  34. The fact is Susan has worked hard well before being elected to the Governing body to enrich her family and protect Schedler from the RBA, despite taking financial donations from residents living in close proximity to Schedler. She worked hard to preserve the residency requirement for hiring police & fire, as well as removing the college degree equivalency requirement. Even if these are civil matters, these efforts don’t pass the ethics smell test. She’ll be ‘one and done’ simply because her three sons all now have big Village salaries, benefits and pensions, and Schedler is the preserve of bald eagles on Village taxpayer funded property. Oh, and the Elks building is lined up for the RPD, also on Village dime. The present value of Village taxpayer obligations in wages, health coverage & benefits and pensions to Mayor Knudsen’s family is now well above $10 million. Hard work indeed. #SelfServingSusan #OneandDone #SelfSevingCouncil

  35. Let’s just wait and see who Voigt supports in the upcoming election. We have plenty of ammunition to bring anyone he backs into question. Emails from Evan Weitz, Jan Philips, Janice Willett, Don Delzio, whoever runs we can show their true colors. Bring it on baby.

  36. 4:29pm you are a liar and your post is bull. There was never any college requirement. The same residency rules have been in effect for decades. The ethics board told Delzio his complaints were nonsense. You stupid hashtags won’t make your lies true. Another thread post shows the civil service list predates her council service. So #delzioisaliar #lyibgwontmakeittrue #trustfacts #truthprevails #isupportsusan

  37. Look in other social media. There is a certain few who use this hashtag bs. One being the owner of healthbaRn and her fans. People are so easy to read!

  38. 4:29pm wtf are you suggesting? Are you crazy?

  39. 8:07 I’m thinking the same thing. 4:29pm must be Don Delzio scrambling to rewrite facts. New Jersey state officials determined the Mayor had no conflict and no ethics violations. The board is made up of lawyers specializing in the specifuc area of law. Anonymous 4:29pm wants us to believe he is an authority on the law and knows better.   Anonymous 4:29pm wants us to believe the Mayor had a secret plan hatched years  before she ran  for council.  Delzio desperately needs his fantasy to work. #Disgustingdelzio

  40. Don Delzio and Paul Smith, perfect together

  41. The facts remain: the present value of Ridgewood Village taxpayer obligations in wages, health coverage & benefits and pensions to Mayor Knudsen’s family is now well above $10 million. Hard work indeed. #SelfServingSusan #OneandDone #SelfSevingCouncil

  42. Pension and salary are well deserved. The Knudsen family is serving our community and doing an excellent job. Don’t take my word for it or believe rumors. Do your homework. Read the RW police blotter, RWFD page, and newspaper articles. Ethics complaints DISMISSED. Conflicts of interest UNFOUNDED. Ridgewood News issued correction on claims against Councilwoman Knudsen etc.

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