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Minor Injuries Reported in Rollover Crash on East Midland Avenue, Paramus

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Paramus NJ, a 19-year-old driver sustained minor injuries in a rollover crash on Monday afternoon, January 20, on East Midland Avenue near From Road in Paramus.

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Crash Details

The incident occurred when the driver of an older-model Honda Accord lost control while navigating a curve on the busy eastbound roadway. The car collided with a utility pole before overturning. Emergency responders were on the scene quickly to assist.

Emergency Response

Multiple agencies responded to the crash, including:

  • Paramus Police Department
  • Paramus EMS
  • Paramus Fire Department (Co. #3)
  • Paramus Rescue Squad

The driver’s injuries were minor and did not require hospitalization. A flatbed tow truck righted the vehicle and removed it from the scene, restoring traffic flow.

Utility Pole Inspection

The utility pole struck during the crash was inspected by a troubleshooter from PSE&G’s Electric Division to ensure its structural integrity and address any potential hazards.

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2 thoughts on “Minor Injuries Reported in Rollover Crash on East Midland Avenue, Paramus

  1. We obviously weren’t going the speed limit. Lucky the driver only had minor injuries.

    1. not obvious at all.
      Many causes for a rollover.

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