As Governor Murphy Parties in Atlantic City, NJ Residents are Stranded On Roads for Hours
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
PARSIPPANY NJ, Due to the poor preparedness and response to the State’s first snowstorm of 2018, hundreds of thousands of residents across the state were stranded on major highways that were not prepared, plowed, salted or cleared for upwards of over twelve hours. Despite the fact that the snowstorm was predicted 3-4 days before it hit, there was still little to nothing done to prepare for the turmoil and danger the storm caused.
“While the Governor was partying at the League of Municipalities in Atlantic City, our friends and neighbors were stuck on NJ highways for up to 14 hours in some areas. The danger and havoc that the lack of preparation caused on residents should be unforgivable. This is what happens when people vote on emotion and not practicality. You elect people into office that have no experience or right being there”, said Morris County Chair Ron DeFilippis.
The lack of preparation resulted in the State Police responding to at least 555 vehicle crashes, according to the Star-Ledger this morning.
Other state leaders also expressed displeasure. “Phil Murphy was unprepared for yet another crippling storm,” NJ State GOP Chair Doug Steinhardt said. “Instead of asking New Jerseyans to be patient, we should demand that its leaders be prepared. That way, everyone would actually be home and safe instead of just wishing it were so.”
“Whatever resources were deployed by the Department of Transportation did not seem to make much of a difference statewide,” Assemblyman Anthony Bucco had to say. “As conditions worsened, the department’s presence was absent. I received numerous reports from concerned and overburdened local road superintendents who were forced to abandoned local roads and clear state highways to help commuters get home.”
Social Media is buzzing with people all over the state expressing anger and outrage at the handling of the storm. The question remains as to what is going to be done to prevent this from happening again.
That’s the best photo yet. What’s the old saying the monkeys change , but the suits don’t. All the same bull shit .
I understand & comprehen this snow storm was atrocious & extremely dangerous but
Hold up! Christie had to learn too!!
He packed him & his family & traveled to FLorida during his first term, & left Nj when Nj had got slammed w/ a but storm!!
After Nj ppl got on him severely!!!
He learned! He declared a state of emergency for every storm after that!
bLacbaTz, Governor Christie had a planned vacation to Florida big difference. Lizard Head Murphy was in NJ and did nothing. He’s in the big boy chair now and deserves every criticism he gets.
Classic limousine liberal who buys his way into the party and has NO CLUE as to what he’s doing. Good job Ridgewood towing the party line right into the shitstorm.
love the black beach slippers that Chris left behind in his locker..