Just 29% Think Workforce Diversity Efforts Improve Race Relations
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, most Americans support efforts to increase diversity in the workforce, but believe this is likely to lead to racial and gender quotas, and most don’t think diversity efforts are improving race relations.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 51% of American Adults believe companies generally should seek to encourage racial and gender diversity in their workforce. Thirty-five percent (35%) disagree and another 14% are not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
How about hiring based on competence?
What an interesting concept………… And it’s always one I use when finding a doctor/surgeon. I wonder as an example, if people really want their bridges built by engineers who are competent or those who checked the boxes for the DEI initiative?
A lot of places just look at credentials, they need to look at experience. And that’s the problem there’s a lot of workers out there that have a Lotta experience more than their boss. And that becomes a threat to the boss.
The big 3 car companies (GM, Ford and Chrysler in the 1960s and 70s) promoted “diversity” in the workplace. Actually bent over backwards to make their workplaces that way. And what did they get in return? Detroit was looted and burned to the ground (summer of 1967). Became a dangerous crap hole and still is.
Sorry but these experiments in diversity do not work.
Making friends and influencing people by pissing them off.
No better way to win folks’ hearts and minds than by telling them they”re racist.
“Sorry but these experiments in diversity do not work.”
But diversity, when allowed to develop naturally, does seem to work.
Wonder why?
Isn’t the best way to get folks to do things is by shoving it down their throats?
I guess I missed something.
How come if everything is supposed to ‘look like the country’, there is no advocate for Asians, Hispanics and Hasidim on the NBA Basketball court.
Fair is fair… its the workplace.
Why is there no advocacy for Caucasians on the NBA Basketball Court?
Wrong race, I guess….
Biden hired based on diversity and look how wonderful that has worked out for America! No crime, secure borders, great economy, cheap energy and a balanced budget! FJB!
Credentials don’t mean dick.
I’ve had idiots working for me with degrees out the wazoo with the common sense of a French fry.
Very true, look as t the new village D p w . All newbie’s with no experience, not good at all. They are hiring all friends, very bad for the town.
Black society will only begin to be on par with everyone else (not just whites) when they cut out the victim crap, and stop following criminals and race hustlers as their role models. Gangster rap, stop-snitching, ebonics. Enough of that shit.
I think Diversity and Equity is critical.
We tried Equality — giving everyone an equal chance to succeed
(including placing our thumb on the scale to give minorities numerous competitive advantages)
That was a dismal failure.
So now we need to move to Equity – guaranteeing everyone gets the same outcome, regardless of skill or accomplishment.
This is necessary since it has become painfully aware that some minorities are just unable to achieve success, even when given every opportunity and quite a few competitive advantages.
It is the only way.
It is the right thing to do.
It is the kind thing to do.
^ You said…try equity…everyone gets the same outcome regardless of skill”. Try taking your car to a mechanic with no skill.
Or fly in a plane with a pilot that lacks competence.
But they were hired due to their dark complexion uh…“equity”.
Nope. It makes no sense.
Just wondering, are you a Ridgewood Graduate?
Did they teach you the concept of sarcasm?
“This is necessary since it has become painfully aware that some minorities are just unable to achieve success, even when given every opportunity and quite a few competitive advantages.”
Sadly, this is the truth that nobody wants to admit or address…
You’re correct. And I’ll never be good at basketball. We can’t all be good at everything!