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Murphy Signs Executive Order Extending Public Health Emergency Continues Suspension of all Constitutional Rights in New Jersey

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ,  Governor Phil Murphy today signed Executive Order No. 171. The Order extends the Public Health Emergency that was declared on March 9, 2020 through Executive Order No. 103, which was previously extended on April 7, May 6, June 4, and July 2. Under the Emergency Health Powers Act, a declared public health emergency expires after 30 days unless renewed. 

“New Jersey has made a lot of progress in the fight against COVID-19, but we cannot declare victory yet,” said Governor Murphy. “As we continue to work to save lives and stop a resurgence of this virus, we need access to all resources available to do so.”
Executive Order No. 171 extends all Executive Orders issued under the Governor’s authority under the Emergency Health Powers Act. It also extends all actions taken by any Executive Branch departments and agencies in response to the Public Health Emergency presented by the COVID-19 outbreak.
For the full text of Executive Order No. 171, click here.

7 thoughts on “Murphy Signs Executive Order Extending Public Health Emergency Continues Suspension of all Constitutional Rights in New Jersey

  1. Thousands marching in Germany against similar measures. In NJ on the other hand, no one exercising their 1st amendment rights… except BLM “teens.” Freedom ain’t free, ppl.

  2. Be considerate of others. Wear a mask in shops & restaurants or when physical distancing isn’t possible, wash your hands often, and stay home unless necessary. It’s not rocket science. Your rights aren’t more important than the rights of those around you.

    1. same goes for you

  3. Fascism starts slowly, like to proverbial frog in a boiling pot….

  4. I have been isolated for 5 months in a senior apartment building. My only trips out have been to a grocery store. Have only seen 2 of my children 1 time and 1 grandchild 1 time. My depression has worsened and I have spent major holidays alone. This cannot continue and I am not alone in my frustration. Our governor needs to know how he has devastated our state, and now wants to increase taxes and fees. Horrible.

  5. Pauline,
    I agree! I am sorry that you, and so many other seniors, have been put in this situation. Please know that many people hear your plight and care! Also, know that those of us who have not been able to visit our senior relatives and friends are suffering from the separation as well. It is awful and heartbreaking. We must work and vote to get the likes of Governor Murphy out of office, so that people can live in a human way once again. You are in my prayers!

  6. This is so ridiculous, unnecessary, and harmful. We need to get the tyrannical, Marxist government officials, like Governor Murphy, out of office and get right-minded people in..

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