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Musk Twitter Deal a Go !


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, after months of on again off again dealings Tesla (TSLA) CEO Elon Musk threw in the towel, agreeing to buy Twitter (TWTR) at the original offering price of 54.20 per share. It’s yet another turn of events in a very contentious acquisition . Since April, the Tesla co-founder has shown buyer’s remorse over his $44 billion deal for the social media platform, criticizing management , questioning Twitter’s censorship policy and arguing Twitter wasn’t honest about bot ie Fake accounts. Musk officially backed out in July, triggering a lawsuit by Twitter ,but now has once again changed his mind and decided to pursue the deal.

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3 thoughts on “Musk Twitter Deal a Go !

  1. We’ll See…

  2. Once trump is allowed back on the stock will go up exponentially

    1. He’s got his own social network.

      It’s not doing so well.

      But hey, let’s all celebrate the “win” of Elon paying far more than what the company’s worth. And buy into his next pump-and-dump scheme.(This time will pay out, surely.)

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