Truman “Whistlestop”
National School Choice Week to Host Cross-Country Train Tour
Rachel Sheffield
January 18, 2013 at 2:12 pm
The third annual National School Choice Week is around the corner. And so is “the first-ever nationwide, whistle-stop train tour” to commemorate the week.
The Whistle-Stop Train Tour will make a cross-country trek, with “14 very special events along the tour’s route” in support of school choice; hosted by “[p]arents, students, community leaders, education organizations and elected officials of both parties.” The train—a historic railcar dubbed “The National School Choice Week Special”—will set out from Los Angeles’s Union Station on January 25 and will end its journey in New York on February 2.
The train tour is just one of many events that will take place during National School Choice Week.
Across the country, a “record-breaking 3,000 events [are] being independently planned for National School Choice Week 2013…to demonstrate overwhelming support, and demand, for school choice…while shining a positive spotlight on the hundreds of organizations, thousands of schools, and millions of Americans working every day to increase access to great schools in our country.”
Everyone is invited to participate. A list of events taking place nationwide can be found at the National School Choice Week website, or you can plan an event of your own. You can even track the train’s progress.
“With bold strokes, our generation can—and will—make its mark on the tapestry of our national experience. Social change isn’t just something we read about in history books. It’s something we can make a reality, and in the process, secure for ourselves not only a place in history books yet unwritten, but secure for our country a brighter and more prosperous future where no child is denied the opportunity to attend the best schools possible,” notes president of National School Choice Week, Andrew Campanella.