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>Never Forget 9/11



Well, yesterday was quite a day. The response to our call to action has been overwhelming. We have almost 100,000 signatures on our letter challenging Obama’s flawed policy of trying the terrorists/war criminals who murdered our family & friends on September 11, 2001 in civilian federal courts.

The signatures include our many families of the victims of September 11, 2001 as well as many from the FDNY, NYPD and PAPD and retired military. But most of the signatures are from proud Americans who are as disgusted as we are with this abomination. We are organizing all the information and we will post all the signatures on Monday.

Check back here for updates and stay tuned for our next move!


Tim Brown

Michelle Malkin says:

If this White House thought Tea Party activists were an “angry mob,” wait until they see the backlash from 9/11 family members and their supporters nationwide. We’re not going to sit down and shut up about the reckless, security-undermining Obama 9/10 agenda and conflict-of-interest-ridden AG Eric Holder.

Call them out.

Recently, Congress voted down a bi-partisan bill that would have ensured that the terrorists who brought death and destruction to our homeland on September 11, 2001 would be tried as war criminals in military courts, not as common criminals tried in civilian courts with full Constitutional protections on American soil. The Obama administration has not been truthful with the public about the risks associated with bringing these cases in federal court, where critical evidence will be excluded, classified intelligence will be made available to our enemies, foreign counterterrorism partners will be exposed and the “mastermind of 9/11” will be allowed to mock his victims just blocks from where they died. has partnered with 9/11 Families for a Safe & Strong and America and Keep America Safe to bring attention to this travesty. We are recruiting the families & friends of the FDNY to combat this ill-conceived policy of the current administration.

This week letters were sent to President Barack Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates questioning the wisdom of bringing these terrorists onto US soil to try them in civilian courts for their grievous crimes against this great country, including the murder of 343 New York City firefighters.

93 of them were my friends.

They were all my brothers.

I cannot stand by and let this happen without a fight.

Read the letter HERE.

CLICK HERE if you would like to add your signature.


Tim Brown

FDNY-Retired, 9/11 Survivor

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