the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, according to the CDC , Natural immunity from prior infection led to levels of protection against the Delta variant of COVID-19 than vaccination alone.
Before Delta became dominant, individuals who had natural immunity were experiencing higher case rates than individuals who were only vaccinated, the study found, but after Delta took hold, those with natural immunity i.e. had previously had COVID, caught COVID-19 less frequently than those who were only vaccinated.
Both vaccination and a prior infection provided protection against infection and hospitalization from COVID-19, but rates were actually lower among people who had recovered compared to people who were vaccinated, according to a new study the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released Wednesday.
The study examined four categories of people — unvaccinated and vaccinated who survived a previous COVID-19 infection, and unvaccinated and vaccinated who had never been infected — in California and New York between May and November 2021. The highest case rates were among those who had neither been vaccinated or previously infected. The most protection against infection and hospitalization was in those who had both been vaccinated and survived an earlier bout with the virus.
The CDC cautioned that the data in question only measured results against the Delta variant and that Omicron may present new challenges that alter the calculus of natural immunity versus vaccination.
Not to worry, something “worse” will arrive at the proper time.
How stupid were people getting their kids shot up with an experimental therapeutic with no safety studies? Kids with no co-morbidities do not get sick. Now we know the “vaxx” does not prevent transmission or infection and kids with developing immune systems are rolling the dice. Omicron doesn’t care that Claire is double vaxed in 5th grade. She is not getting sick either way and can still transmit. People now losing their minds that the entire charade is being exposed. Should have shot up the most vulnerable and treated everyone else. The fact that kids are wearing masks to school is just dumb. A lot of low IQ parents. Those loose cloth masks are PROVEN to not do anything – yet here we are, virtue signaling with our children.