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New Jersey legislators Do Nothing as the State Falls Apart

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

River Vale NJ, New Jersey legislator controlled by the Democrats continues to do absolutely nothing when it comes to running the state or improving running the state . Assemblywomen Holly Schepisi some’s it all up in a Facebook post:

“No hearings to fix the screw ups in rolling out vaccines in New Jersey. No hearings on reigning in the Governor’s Executive Order powers and further opening up our State. No discussions on fixing the unemployment issues. No legislation being heard on reopening our schools and getting our teachers vaccinated. The only issue that apparently matters in New Jersey to the Democratic members of the legislature right now?
The General Assembly, pursuant to P.L. 2020 c. 2, will have an electronic voting session on Thursday, February 18, 2021. The General Assembly voting session will begin at 9:00 am. Please be prepared to consider the attached list of bills.
Bill No. Sponsor Description
A-5342 Wimberly, Benjie E. Revises consequences for underage possession or consumption of various forms of cannabis included in legislation passed by both Houses of Legislature; requires AG reports, reviewable by task force, on law enforcement interactions on underage violations.”

6 thoughts on “New Jersey legislators Do Nothing as the State Falls Apart

  1. Holly your trip to Cuba makes you a NO vote for any elected office you seek.

  2. We definitely need to have term limits and we also need to rain in the power of our runaway governor. These issues need to be put on the ballot for the next general election.

  3. We already have term limits.
    They are called elections.
    For those that think “term limits” are the solution, who exactly do you think is going to replace turd #1,……. it’s turd #2.
    The voters are the solution, they always have been.
    Unfortunately they are not deep thinkers.

  4. What elections?! The new norm is election stolen (along with who cares what U.S. citizens need for FREE productive lives for themselves & their sons and daughters).

  5. You gonna be a fool if you retire in New Jersey and pay all these taxes, you really need to get your head examined.

  6. Get Murphy out of our state. He has destroyed it. The Uni-party does nothing and sits back and watches the state implode.

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