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New Jersey Looks to Ban ” Drunk Droning “


December 5,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, drones have become a multi billion-dollar industry , the New Jersey Legislature is considering steps to criminalize some of the more troublesome uses of the gadgets. Sen. Paul Sarlo, D-Wood-Ridge, is sponsoring a bill that would make drunk drone flying illegal.

Under the Sarlo bill, operating a drone while under the influence of drugs or alcohol would be a disorderly persons offense, as would using a drone to harm wildlife or endanger people or property.

The bill would impose a range of restrictions on operating drones, barring residents from using the robots to harm humans or snatch up animals. Flying drones while drunk or on drugs would be made illegal. Violating the rules would be a disorderly persons offense, punishable with up to six months in prison, a fine of up to $1,000, or both.

Should the measure, A-5205, be signed into law by Gov. Chris Christie, it would be New Jersey’s first state-wide law regulating drones. According to a statement from Sen. Paul Sarlo, D-Wood-Ridge, “Drones have become increasingly disruptive, causing near-misses with airplanes, interfering with firefighter operations and being used to smuggle drugs and other contraband into prisons,”

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