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New water meters lead to much higher bills for some in Ridgewood


New water meters lead to much higher bills for some in Ridgewood

OCTOBER 24, 2014    LAST UPDATED: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2014, 1:21 AM

RIDGEWOOD — A move to upgrade thousands of water meters throughout the village has been a shock for some business owners and residents who have received larger-than-expected bills.

Some residents have received water bills that are thousands of dollars higher than they’ve been used to paying. A number of businesses have paid hundreds of dollars more for their water.

The bigger bills, officials said, are the result of accurate readings on actual use. In recent years, estimated water and sewer discharge bills were based on predicted or past use.

The village has stepped up efforts the past month to replace all of the water meters in Ridgewood, according to officials.

Meters that were installed several years ago have since become obsolete, requiring installation of so-called radio-read meters.

The updated meters emit low-level radio frequencies, easily detectable using specialized hand-held instruments; such meters eliminate the need for readers to enter homes or businesses.

– See more at:

2 thoughts on “New water meters lead to much higher bills for some in Ridgewood

  1. Have had a radio-read meter for several years now so i do not understand todays problem and i have no issues with my water bill.

  2. Mark my words, this will turn out to be one of the biggest shams perpetrated by the Village on business owners in history.

    In her comments, Village Manager Roberta Sonenfeld conveniently excluded the fact that in conjunction with the replacement of old meters and an end to estimated meter readings, MANY RIDGEWOOD BUSINESSES RECEIVED INVOICES FOR SIGNIFICANT DISCHARGE — USE IN ERROR. REPEAT: THE VILLAGE SENT OUT BOGUS BILLS.

    As noted in the accompanying article, it is up to a business owner to call if he/she believes there’s a billing issue. REPEAT: THE VILLAGE HAS NO INTENTION OF CHECKING TO MAKE SURE BILLS ARE LEGIT BEFORE SENDING THEM OUT.

    What will happen here is that monies not due the Village will be collected and kept unless the Village receives a call. YOU SNOOZE, YOU LOSE FOLKS.

    How nice of our local government to be watching out for the interests of small business owners . . .

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