the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, the staff of the Ridgewood blog has consistently asserted that the fundamental error in the COVID response was the propagation of widespread panic. This contradicted the established principle that the public health system’s role during a pandemic is to maintain calm and ensure the smooth functioning of society. The alarmist atmosphere created during the response resulted in hundreds of thousands of non-COVID-related excess deaths, extensive economic and social damages, and, most notably, an unparalleled education crisis.
A candid admission from Dr. Francis Collins, Dr. Fauci’s former superior, underscores this point:
“As a person situated within the Beltway, grappling with a sense of crisis and making decisions in a White House situation room with incomplete data, we failed to consider the implications for individuals like Wilk and his family in Minnesota, a thousand miles away from the severe virus impact.
We didn’t adequately contemplate the repercussions in communities beyond major cities like New York City.
Public health officials, as discussed earlier, tend to have a narrow perspective when making decisions. The primary focus is on taking actions that save lives, with little consideration for the broader impact on people’s lives, the economy, and the long-term consequences of keeping many children out of school…
This mindset prevailed among those involved in making recommendations, and it was a regrettable oversight—a mistake we acknowledge.”
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Two in my house tested positive yesterday…
so what.
treat it like the flu that it is
Maybe everyone needs to wash their hands a bit more, and if you’re sick, stay home, don’t go to school, don’t go to work, because you just make everybody else sick. I just don’t understand.
You can be contagious for days before you experience symptoms. That has been a major issue all along.
COVID is out there and will always be. Just take take the common sense approach. It will never be the same again like pre COVID times
…only because crazy people overreact to a SARs flu.
“Regrettable oversight” has to be the biggest understatement ever!
And “…a mistake we acknowledge…” 4 years later?!
What chutzpah! How about firing all these little Napoleons and revoking their pensions? That wouldn’t repair the immense damage inflicted one the American people, but it would be a step in the direction of serving justice to these criminals!
BIG GOV’T took the wrong tack from early 2020 by pushing their “solutions” (lockdowns, closing schools, , closing small businesses, masking, etc) while simultaneously denouncing, defaming and silencing anyone and everyone (especially other experts) who disagreed with their “science” as early as October 2020 – see:
Blame for ALL the damage – temporary social, and permanent economic and educational – is rightly laid at the feet of Fauci and his co-conspirators.
“How about firing all these little Napoleons and revoking their pensions?”
How about promoting them for a job well done? You think it’s easy lying to hundreds of millions of people with a straight face about your intentions to profit from, poison, sterilize, maim and kill them? Let’s see you do it. They’re not criminals, they’re heroes. Heroes to their people and heroes to a future humanity unburdened by lesser stock.