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NJ Department of Environmental Protection reports that Avian Influenza, also known as Bird Flu, is suspected to have caused the deaths of multiple wild birds

the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Twp of Washington NJ, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection reports that Avian Influenza, also known as Bird Flu, is suspected to have caused the deaths of multiple wild birds, predominantly snow geese, across the state this week. Preliminary in-state testing has reported presumptive positive results from 7 snow geese, 2 Canada geese, and 2 hawks recovered from Warren, Middlesex, Morris, and Sussex Counties.

Additional animals from multiple sites in southern New Jersey are currently being tested. Delaware and Pennsylvania have also reported similar events and preliminary positive cases of Bird Flu. While the National Veterinary Services Laboratories have not yet confirmed the results, Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) is expected to be the cause of death for these animals.
While HPAI can infect humans, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has declared that the ongoing HPAI outbreak is primarily an animal health issue that poses low risk to the health of the general public. Waterfowl and gamebird hunters should take precautions while handling and dressing birds. Thoroughly cook all game to an internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit before consuming or feeding to pets. Falconers should avoid hunting waterfowl and other waterbirds until the apparent cessation of the active outbreak.
Additional recommendations for hunters can be found here:…/files/fsc_hpai_hunters.pdf
If you encounter sick or dead wild birds report the finding to the NJDEP Fish & Wildlife hotline at 1-877-WARN-DEP (1-877-927-6337).
Additional guidance and resources on Avian influenza can be found at and
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2 thoughts on “NJ Department of Environmental Protection reports that Avian Influenza, also known as Bird Flu, is suspected to have caused the deaths of multiple wild birds

  1. Maybe the Chinese can re-engineer the virus to specifically target these shit machines (Canadian Geese) that have made our towns their forever home. Just wondering.

  2. And what is the latest update on the west saddle river road cleanup plan with the soil.
    Any updates on a date .?

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