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NJ sex worker says: Decriminalize prostitution and treat us like humans

sex workers

By Dino Flammia June 18, 2017 9:00 PM

To escape a domestic violence situation more than 20 years ago, Newark resident Janet Duran needed to find work that would pay well enough to support herself and her child, and not interfere with attaining a college degree.

Alexey Klementiev, ThinkStock

“The easiest way out,” she says, was entering the world of sex work. Since then, on and off, she’s “dabbled in a bit of everything” sex trade-related, except webcam services, to make ends meet. And it’s still helping to pay the bills.

“I just go out. If someone’s interested, they’ll come speak to me,” she said. “I just kind of bounce around from city to city.”

Read More: NJ sex worker says: Decriminalize prostitution and treat us like humans |

9 thoughts on “NJ sex worker says: Decriminalize prostitution and treat us like humans

  1. I’m sure this post is highly relevant to Ridgewood residents struggling to pay their property tax bills.

  2. Sure.
    Tie it to the legalizing Marijuana Bill

  3. …and this story is supposed to be a strong case for decriminalization ???

  4. To escape a domestic violence situation more than 20 years ago, Newark resident Jan Et’duran needed to find work that would pay well enough to support herself and her child, and not interfere with attaining a college degree.

    “The easiest way out,” she says, was entering the world of insurance fraud. Since then, on and off, she’s “dabbled in a bit of everything” insurance fraud-related, except feigning death, to make ends meet. And it’s still helping to pay the bills.

    “I just fall down. If someone’s interested, they’ll come represent me,” she said. “I just kind of bounce around from city to city.”

    Read More: NJ insurance fraud worker says: Decriminalize insurance fraud and treat us like humans

    Plug in any crime…. Make argument to decriminalize.
    Try it. It’s fun.

  5. 5:22 the problem with comparing prostitution with insurance fraud is that one is a victimless crime, and the other is not.

  6. 9:10pm
    The victim in prostitution is the prostitute.
    Same as suicide, Self mutilation. etc.
    Try it. It’s fun.
    Are you the product of a RW education?

  7. 2:26 – suicide is a crime? Really? What education are you the product of?

  8. 4:37 – you are technically correct…
    ATTEMPTED Suicide IS a crime.
    SUCCESSFUL Suicide IS NOT a crime (only because there is no one to prosecute)
    Are you the product of a RW education?
    … still curious.

  9. you are correct 9:16am.
    Murder is a crime
    … except of course if you are female and want to murder your baby… then it is OK, as long as it is in the womb.

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