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Former BOE Trustee Defends Shelia Brogan


The editorial you ran today regarding Shelia Brogan is a distortion of the facts. It demonstrates that the Ridgewood Blog is unable to be a constructive voice in Village issues. Specifically, you said:

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False Claim #1: “Thousands of voters enter our schools on each election day.” 


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, “One Village One Vote”, is not the first to promote “the dangers of taxpayers voting in public schools”. School safety during voting is a false claim made for years by “educators” looking to hide from tax payers what is going on in public education. Recent protests demonstrate the need for more parent involvement in the education process not less. Administrators clearly do not want parents near schools so the lack of learning will not be challenged.

Continue reading False Claim #1: “Thousands of voters enter our schools on each election day.” 

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False Claim #2: “Ridgewood voter turnout is higher in November.” 

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ,  the “One Village One Vote” campaign is  filled with misinformation and  if it passes, residents will lose their right to vote on BOE budgets. The  “One Village One Vote” campaign is a blatant attempt to to remove taxpayer oversight form the school budgeting process .  The $115 million school budget account for approximately 2/3 of the Village property tax bill.

The most offensive part of this claim is the idea that because many residents choise not to vote , that means no one should get that right .

Continue reading False Claim #2: “Ridgewood voter turnout is higher in November.” 

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The Ridgewood blog urges all residents to VOTE NO on “consolidation” and preserve your right to vote on the massive $115 million Ridgewood School budget

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, vote by mail election ballots should arrive by October 6th . Ridgewood voters have an opportunity to reaffirm their right to vote and pass judgement on the massive $115 million Ridgewood school budget. Residents are told over and over the Village of Ridgewood is a place people come to for the schools . The Ridgewood school system  enjoys an excellent reputation, and is known for its “Tradition of Excellence” .Ridgewood voters have enjoyed the right to pass judgement and confirm spending and management decisions by the Board of Education.

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Ridgewood Residents – An Important Question on Your Ballot

mail in ballots

Dear Ridgewood Neighbor,

You will lose your right to vote on every school budget unless you VOTE NO on the November Municipal Ballot Question on page 3 of your general election ballot. The question asks if we should move our local spring elections to November.

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An Anti “One Village One Vote” Group is now Gone Live


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, a new group has been established to, ” support our local spring elections including our right to vote on our annual school budget. Our local elections empower our community.”  The groups name is Keep Our Vote and has been established to combat the propaganda campaign promoted by the “One Village One Vote” euphemistically known as  “One Village No Vote” .

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Ridgewood Village Clerk Rejects One Village One Vote Resubmitted Petition to Vote on Taking Away Your Vote


Dear Ridgewood Community,

Today, August 13, we submitted a “supplemental petition” to the Village Clerk to cure the defects she identified with our original submission. The law allowed us just ten days to fix the issues identified by the Clerk, collect new signatures, and resubmit. Thanks to tremendous support from the community we were able to meet this tight deadline. And we did so with 582 signatures from Ridgewood voters, once again well more than the 410 threshold needed to put the question to consolidate Ridgewood’s elections on the ballot in November as a binding initiative.

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One Village One Vote Once Again Asks Residents to Sign Petition to Give Up Their Right to Vote of the Ridgewood School Budget


Dear Ridgewood Community

Thank you again for your ongoing support for One Village One Vote and our efforts to consolidate Ridgewood’s local elections to November. As a quick update, the Village Clerk has rejected our petition. After the Clerk’s office declined to provide guidance on the proper approach to writing the petition, we tried to use friendly language within the petition and collected it electronically as permitted under our understanding of Gov. Murphy’s Executive Order 132. The Clerk has now notified us of two deficiencies with the petitions:

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Reader asks ,”Is it true that Sheila Brogan is making phone calls to gather support for One Vote? “


“Is it true that Sheila Brogan is making phone calls to gather support for One Vote? Sheila received one six month extension to her term when elections were originally moved from April to Nov.
In her current term also, she received an extension. Her current term was supposed to expire in Nov 2020. When council moved election to April, the board used tax payer money to file a court case and extended Sheila’s term to April 2021. Now if the election moves back to November, her term will extend again to Nov 2021, giving her a third 6 month extension over the years and making her current term a 4 year term instead of a 3 year term.”

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What Will be the Long term Impact of Coronavirus “accidental homeschooling”on Public Education ?


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, currently, 124,000 schools are closed nationwide, forcing more than 55 million children to school from home for the time being. In an effort to slow the spread of the pandemic, some states have even decided to keep schools closed for the remainder of the school year. More than ever, “ We’re All Homeschoolers Now.”
Something to think about with a $115 million Ridgewood school budget vote coming up >

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Ridgewood Schools Public Hearing on the 2020-2021 $115 Million Budget


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, at Mondays Ridgewood Board of Education meeting Ms. Kelly presented the 2020-2021 school budget, first reminding everyone of the mission of the district, followed by a summary of the state of Ridgewood Public Schools. Dr. Fishbein reviewed the slide, which shows per pupil spending in comparison to other districts. The SAT data shows how well the Ridgewood students perform. Ms. Kelly reviewed the proposed appropriations, which shows a comparison between the 2019-2020 projected actual figures and the 2020-2021 proposed budgeted figures in the major budget areas. She also explained the anticipated revenues.

Continue reading Ridgewood Schools Public Hearing on the 2020-2021 $115 Million Budget