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Another News Outlet Omits Loss of School Budget Vote in Ridgewood’s Move to November Elections

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photo by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, another bad and misleading article on moving Ridgewood elections to November ,once again a news outlet omits the single most important issue: moving election to November means Ridgewood residents have given up their tight to vote on the school budget.  The School budget accounts for 2/3 of the property tax bill in the Village .

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The Ridgewood Board of Education meets Monday, January 11, 2021 49 Cottage Place 7:00 p.m.

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Due to health concerns related to COVID-19, there will be no in-person public attendance for this meeting.

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Dr. Thomas Gorman to be Named Acting Superintendent of Schools in Ridgewood

rhs 2020 schools out

November 11, 2020

Dear Ridgewood School Community,

In anticipation of Dr. Fishbein’s retirement from his role as superintendent of schools, the Ridgewood Board of Education conducted interviews of superintendent search firms at our regular public meeting
on Monday, November 2 and hired R-PAT Solutions, LLC to manage the superintendent search. As defined in our Board Goals for 2020-2021, we plan to name a permanent superintendent during the
spring of 2021, and we are confident that R-PAT Solutions will help us successfully achieve this goal.

Continue reading Dr. Thomas Gorman to be Named Acting Superintendent of Schools in Ridgewood

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“One Village One Vote” Petition Issues Return


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Can someone please explain why Superior Court Judge Estela M. De La Cruz ordered Village Clerk Heather Mailander to add the One Village One Vote group’s petition to November’s ballot when the petition clearly didn’t include the number of registered voter signatures required by law (NJSA 19:60-1.1)?

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When the public is allowed to vote, the Ridgewood Board of Education listens

vote no

photo by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Are you confused about whether to vote NO or yes on the ballot question put up by the “One Village One Vote” gang of five?

Continue reading When the public is allowed to vote, the Ridgewood Board of Education listens

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The Case of the Disappearing Comments


photo by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, while the debate over whether to retain the school budget vote or not in the Village rages on , comments continue to disappear off the the “One Village One Vote ” ?

Continue reading The Case of the Disappearing Comments

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Hackensack Voters Say NO to $170 million schools proposal

high density housing

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hackensack NJ, Hackensack voters shot down a nearly $170 million schools proposal Tuesday,  forcing school officials to find new ways to address the district’s growing student population and aging facilities. Hackensack voters overwhelmingly rejected the proposal. According to unofficial election results from Tuesday night, early counts show that an estimated 638 voted in favor of the project and 2,225 voted against. The count included absentee ballots.

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood blog urges residents to vote NO on consolidation of Ridgewood School and Council Elections .


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Rather than eliminating our right to vote, we have many options to eliminate safety concerns at schools on election days

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 the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Rather than eliminating our right to vote, we have many options to eliminate safety concerns at schools on election days.
1) Have professional development day on election day.
2) Now with remote learning, it can be a remote learning day.
Which by the way, our schools already practice. One Village One Voice is misleading residents and using fear to take away your vote. VOTE NO!
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Ridgewood School Board Trustee Examines the School Budget Vote

rhs 2020 schools out

Ridgewood School Board Trustee Saurabh Dani

Ridgewood NJ, Ridgewood village council and Board of Ed members don’t run as Democrats or Republicans. We don’t need Muller report affecting our local elections for representatives who are making decisions which affect our affordability of our primary residence, I.e. our property taxes which pay for local roads, police, fire, leaves and garbage pickup, schools and education. We need to keep these elections and representatives independent / detached from national politics.
Please remember this fundamental reason for April/May vs November elections. it’s not just about timing or consolidation. It’s about our fundamental right to vote on the budget and to keep local elections independent from national influence.

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Ridgewood Council Women Continues to Spread Misinformation on Election Consolidation


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The Blog has learned from several sources that newly elected councilwoman Pamela Perron is spreading misinformation about the initiative to consolidate local elections to November.  When questioned at meetings as well as in emails with various residents, she is unequivocal that residents will still get to vote on the School Board budget proposals . . .  sometimes.  When called to task on this, she spews various legalese, but does not amend her hard-line stand.

Continue reading Ridgewood Council Women Continues to Spread Misinformation on Election Consolidation

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School Board Members Play an Essential Role in Ensuring the Financial Integrity of the School District

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, according to the NJ School Board Association , School Board members play an essential role in ensuring the financial integrity of the school district or charter school. Your vigilance on financial matters can translate into student achievement when public funds are spent prudently and effectively. Good policies can play an important role in ensuring financial integrity, and keep your schools running smoothly.

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The Organizer of The Group Promoting Eliminating the School Budget Seen Sporting a “Vote” Face Mask ?

photo by Boyd Loving
by the staff of The Ridgewood Blog
Ridgewood NJ, It’s somewhat paradoxical that Siobhan Crann Winograd, an organizer of “One Village One Vote,” was recently seen sporting a face mask with the word “Vote” prominently displayed, when the primary objective of “One Village One Vote” is to eliminate Ridgewood taxpayer’s opportunity to vote on the annual public schools budget.