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Homeless Man Allegedly Robbed Queens Churches to ‘Get Back at God,’ Prosecutors Say

church sky 1

file photo Ridgewood

The 23-year-old suspect is also wanted for burglary by authorities in Orange County, Florida

A homeless man faces burglary and hate crime charges after he allegedly robbed four churches, one of which he stole from three times, in Queens, New York, because of his hatred of God, according to prosecutors.

Woznik allegedly told police at the time of his arrest he was “mad at God” and denounced religion, saying his break-ins were an attempt to retaliate.

Source: Homeless Man Allegedly Robbed Queens Churches to ‘Get Back at God,’ Prosecutors Say | NBC New York

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Hoops scandal ‘just tip of iceberg,’ senator says in demanding probe

Paterson Eastside High School

By Matthew Stanmyre and Steve Politi | NJ Advance Media for
on March 02, 2017 at 2:02 PM, updated March 02, 2017 at 2:26 PM

Sen. Richard Codey (D-Essex) formally called on state Attorney General Christopher Porrino Thursday to investigate the actions of the Paterson Eastside High Schools boys and girls basketball teams, which have been embroiled in controversy surrounding an influx of international and overseas players to the programs.

In a letter written by Codey and obtained by NJ Advance Media, the Senator asks Porrino to explore whether immigration laws have been violated by the district or players and if school documents were forged to make the players eligible to compete. Codey also is asking for an examination of the housing and living environments of the players.

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‘We Won’t Make Frankensteins,’ Cloning Giant Boyalife’s CEO Says



BEIJING — The head of a Chinese firm that is building the world’s biggest animal cloning factory has vowed not to use the technology on people — for now, at least.

Biotech company Boyalife Group’s $30 million facility in the coastal city of Tianjin will produce embryos of cattle as well as racehorses and contraband-sniffing dogs when it becomes operational next year.

“No, we don’t do human cloning, we won’t make Frankensteins,” said Dr. Xu Xiaochun, its chief executive. “The technology we have is very advanced … [but if uncontrolled] technology can also do damage … Every technology has to have a boundary.”

As a 12-year-old, Xu became fascinated with plant cloning. Now aged 44, he is leading China’s charge to become a world leader in cloning technology.

“Our primary focus is prime quality beef,” Xu told NBC News in an exclusive interview, noting that China’s cattle industry hasn’t traditionally focused on meat production.

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‘It’s time to hold physical cash,’ says one of Britain’s most senior fund managers


It may be time to money under the mattress. High profile fund managers explain how to prepare for a ‘systemic event’

Ian Spreadbury, who invests more than £4bn of investors’ money across a handful of bond funds for Fidelity, including the flagship Moneybuilder Income fund, is concerned that a “systemic event” could rock markets, possibly similar in magnitude to the financial crisis of 2008, which began in Britain with a run on Northern Rock.

“Systemic risk is in the system and as an investor you have to be aware of that,” he told Telegraph Money.

The best strategy to deal with this, he said, was for investors to spread their money widely into different assets, including gold and silver, as well as cash in savings accounts. But he went further, suggesting it was wise to hold some “physical cash”, an unusual suggestion from a mainstream fund manager.

His concern is that global debt – particularly mortgage debt – has been pumped up to record levels, made possible by exceptionally low interest rates that could soon end, and he is unsure how well banks could cope with the shocks that may await.

He pointed out that a saver was covered only up to £85,000 per bank under the Financial Services Compensation Scheme – which is effectively unfunded – and that the Government has said it will not rescue banks in future, hence his suggestion that some money should be held in physical cash.

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America’s Number One Prescription Sleep Aid Could Trigger ‘Zombies,’ Murder and Other Disturbing Behavior


America’s Number One Prescription Sleep Aid Could Trigger ‘Zombies,’ Murder and Other Disturbing Behavior

Ambien is becoming better known for triggering bizarre behavior than it is for treating insomnia.

January 15, 2014  |

This article  first appeared in The Fix, which features coverage on addiction and recovery, straight up.

On March 29, 2009, Robert Stewart, 45, stormed into the Pinelake Health and Rehab nursing home in Carthage, North Carolina and opened fire, killing eight people and wounding two. Stewart’s apparent target was his estranged wife, who worked as a nurse in the home. She hid in a bathroom and was unharmed. Stewart was charged with eight counts of first-degree murder; if convicted, he could face the death penalty. Even though there was evidence that Stewart’s actions were premeditated (he allegedly had a target), Stewart’s defense team successfully argued that since he was under the influence of Ambien, a sleep aid, at the time of the shooting, he was not in control of his actions. Instead of the charges sought by the prosecutors, Stewart was convicted on eight counts of second-degree murder. He received 142 – 179 years in prison.