September 6th 2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Wyckoff NJ , the campaign season kicked off a little early with Congressman Scott Garrett holding a rally to an over flow crowd at the Wyckoff public library .Garrett hit on his usual themes focusing deficit reduction, working people keeping more of their own money ,Bergen County rail safety, creating more economic opportunities and focusing his criticism on Dodd Frank and among many things it’s institutionalization of “Too big to Fail”.
The well attended event featured GOP Chair Paul DiGaetano whipping up the crowd in a further indication of a major shift of Bergen County Republican Organization politics. It is no secret of past strains between the BCRO and the Congressman . DiGaetano’s appearance was a welcome sight to many Garrett supporters who have long looked at the BCRO as the enemy.
Garrett spoke about the Choice Act ,” Washington desperately needs transparency. Dodd-Frank created bureaucracies like the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau that gave immense power to a single, politically appointed director who makes economic decisions on your behalf. The CFPB tells you what financial products you can have or not have because they think they know what’s best for you when it comes to loans, mortgages and car purchases.”
He continued ,”Our plan makes the CFPB, and other unaccountable agencies, into bipartisan commissions. We would also require all financial regulations to undergo strict cost-benefit tests to make sure they’re not doing more harm than good. And we would change the system to ensure that all major financial regulations are approved by Congress before they are imposed on the American people.”
During the Q&A Garrett took a swipe at the Bergen Record’s coverage of him ,reminding a Record reporter that (unlike the Ridgewood blog) no Record reporter has ever come to any of his DC press conferences.
Rep. Garrett summarized , “Spending more money than we have is dangerously short-sighted and continues to stifle the economic future of our country. I will continue fighting to rein-in Washington’s out-of-control spending so our children and grandchildren can have an opportunity to achieve their own American Dream.”