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Pre-payment of Ridgewood 2018 taxes (or any portion thereof) must be received in this office no later than December 29, 2017



Office hours Monday – Friday 8:30am – 4:30pm

Ridgewood NJ, The Village of Ridgewood Tax Office will accept any regular payment or pre-payment toward real estate taxes.

Your pre-payment of 2018 taxes (or any portion thereof) must be received in this office no later than December 29, 2017. We do not accept postmark.
Payments may be dropped in the yellow mail box marked “Village Mail Only” at the rear entrance of Village Hall.

Neither the Tax Collector nor employees of the tax collector’s office can give information or advice pertaining to the deductibility of any payment of real estate taxes for personal income tax purposes. Residents are encouraged to seek advice from their personal tax professionals on such matters.

If your taxes are paid through your mortgage company, you must contact them first to confirm that they will not also make payment. We have already reported payment amounts due for the February quarter to all of the mortgage companies.

Also, if you should request a refund, we will send you a 1099.

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First snowfall of December, 2017 ,Sledding at Citizens Park in Ridgewood


December 10,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, First snowfall of December, 2017 ,Sledding at Citizens Park in Ridgewood.

24879896 1567266673312172 2677275054301382486 o

24955359 1567269269978579 8840848059799828987 o

24955814 1567269339978572 5566854142026950729 o

check out the rest on Facebook :

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Ridgewood Village Council Meeting Agenda December 6th , 2017

New Ridgewood Village Council

20171206 Village Council Work Session

DECEMBER 6, 2017
7:30 P.M.

7:30 pm – Call to Order – Mayor
Statement of Compliance with Open Public Meeting Act
Mayor: “Adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by a posting on the bulletin board in Village Hall, by mail to the Ridgewood News, The Record, and by submission to all persons entitled to same as provided by law of a schedule including the date and time of this meeting.”
Roll Call – Village Clerk
Flag Salute/Moment of Silence
Public Comments (Not to Exceed 3 Minutes per Person – 40 Minutes in Total)
Ridgewood Water
Award Change Order #2 – Lafayette Reservoir Improvements
Motion to Suspend Work Session and Convene Special Public Meeting
Special Public Meeting – See Attached Agenda
Motion to Adjourn Special Public Meeting and Reconvene Work Session
Burbio Calendar App
Presentation by Schedler Ad Hoc Committee
Ridgewood Water
Award Contract – Water Billing and Data Collection/Processing Services
Award State Contract – Emergency Generators
Award Professional Services – Evaluation of Water Quality
Award Contract – Line Stop and Valve Insertion Services
Award Change Order #1 – Professional Services for Lafayette Reservoir Improvements
Award Change Order #1 – Scada System Software

Budget Transfer
Quarterly Financial Report
Authorize 2018 Cash Management Plan
Adopt 2018 Temporary Budgets – Current Operations, Water & Parking Utilities
Declare 1998 Ford Econoline Club Wagon Surplus – Emergency Services
Cancel Real Estate Taxes for Disabled Veteran
Award Contract – Professional Services – Update Fixed Asset Inventory
Award Contract – Landfill Disposal of Solid Waste 2018/2019
Award Contract – Recreation Program Instruction for 2018
Award State Contract – Police Radios
Rental of Two Parking Spaces – North Broad Street for Taxi Stand
12 Leasing of Police Vehicles
13 Award Contract – Poster Displays Advertising at Train Station Complex
Planning Board Master Plan
Award Contract – Minute Preparation for Village Council Meetings
Update on Glenwood Road
Establishment of Housing Authority
Approve Application for Bergen County Community Development Block Grant for SHARE
Approve Application for Bergen County Municipal Alliance Grant – Drug & Alcohol Educational Programs 2018/2019
Approve Application for Bergen County Community Development Block Grant – Ridge Road Ramp
Confirm Endorsement of Community Development Projects – Family Promise of Bergen County
Review of December 13, 2017 Public Meeting Agenda
Manager’s Report
Council Reports
Public Comments (Not to Exceed 5 Minutes per Person)
Resolution to go into Closed Session
Closed Session
Legal – Anticipated Litigation



Village Council Special Public Meeting
DECEMBER 6, 2017
7:30 P.M.
Call to Order – Mayor
Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meeting Act
MAYOR: “Adequate notice of this meeting has been provided
by a posting on the bulletin board in Village Hall,
by mail to the Ridgewood News, The Record, and by submission to all persons entitled to same as provided by law of a schedule including the date and time of this meeting.”
Roll Call

17-369 Authorize Change Order #2 – Lafayette Reservoir Improvements ($32,527.40)

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Ridgewood Farmers Market Open Till Sunday, November 19, 2017


Sun, June 25, 2017 – Sun, November 19, 2017
Time: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Location: Train Station Parking Lot, Godwin Ave & W Ridgewood Ave

Celebrating 17 years with Farm to table, fresh and delicious produce.

Ridgewood’s Farmers’ Market
Every Sunday from 9am-3pm
westside of NJ Transit train station…

Enjoy our farmers vegetables and fruit until Thanksgiving.

Stroll and get some fresh Mozzarella.
Homemade Jams-with flavors you cannot get any other place.
Fresh baked goods, preservative free.
Pickles on a stick for the kids and more.
Beautiful flowers for your yard.

FARM – and more – TO your TABLE…
for more details –

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Ridgewood Water Hydrant Flushing 2017 will begin on Monday, October 16, 2017

firehydrant 001

Hydrant Flushing Active

October 16,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Ridgewood Water will be performing system flushing. This work will include the operation of fire hydrants at flow velocities sufficient to remove naturally occurring minerals that have precipitated out of the water and settled.  This may temporarily discolor the water so we will be conducting this activity late at night to minimize the effect on consumers.  There are no health concerns associated with the minerals that get stirred up, but residents are urged to avoid doing laundry while crews are working. Ridgewood Water will notify residents using the Swiftreach calling system in advance of the work in their specific areas.  Residents may register to receive these calls by clicking on the SwiftH2O link on the bottom of this page.

-To determine which flushing route you are in, or to see a video on the hydrant flushing process, please click here:
Flushing will begin in Route 1 on Monday, October 16th, between 9:00pm and 4:30am.

Route 1

Tips for our customers:
Tap water may be discolored while crews are flushing in your area (9:00pm-4:30am) so you should avoid the use of washing machines and dishwashers during those hours. Even when it is discolored, the water is safe for consumption.
Discolored water may linger in your pipes after the flushing work has been completed.  If so, run the cold water until the water runs clear.
Check at a nearby faucet for discolored water before using the washing machine or dishwasher. Wait until the water runs clear at the tap before doing laundry or running the dishwasher. If your laundry inadvertently becomes stained, DO NOT PUT YOUR LAUNDRY IN THE DRYER. Rewash clothes immediately using detergent and a rust remover such as “Red B Gone”.  This product will be available from Ridgewood Water if needed. Most rust removers can also be used on stained fixtures such as sinks, tubs, and toilets.
If water pressure or water volume at the tap seems unusually low after flushing has been completed in your area, check your faucet aerators for trapped particles.

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President Donald J. Trump Proclaims September 24, 2017, as Gold Star Mother’s and Family’s Day

September 24,2017
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ,  In Ridgewood, NJ the Gold Star Mother’s Day Committee will sponsor our seventh annual event commemorating Gold Star Mother’s Day on Sunday, September 24th, at Van Neste Park. There will be a short ceremony starting promptly at 7:00 p.m. and hundreds of luminaries will be lit to honor Gold Star Mothers and their families. But in addition, our goal is to see thousands of other luminaries lit throughout Ridgewood and other towns on September 24th to honor the Gold Star Mothers and families!

President Donald J. Trump Proclaims September 24, 2017, as Gold Star Mother’s and Family’s Day




As we solemnly observe Gold Star Mother’s and Family’s Day, we honor and extend our deepest gratitude to the families of military service members who gave their last full measure of devotion to our country. Gold Star families have paid the ultimate price for our Nation’s freedom with the life of their loved ones. Our grateful Nation grieves with them in their loss, but also shares their pride in the selfless service of their sons and daughters.

Our country is built on the sacrifices of men and women who have willingly raised their hand to defend our Nation and its security. As members of our Armed Forces take an oath to protect our freedoms and liberty, they understand the gravity of their commitment to defend our way of life. And when that commitment results in the ultimate sacrifice, we come together as a Nation to walk beside the devoted families left behind and help them shoulder the vast absence they forever bear. Their loved ones did not die in vain. They gave of themselves to protect and defend the freedoms we all enjoy. Despite their grief, these families bravely move forward with dignity and grace.

Despite having endured unfathomable loss, many Gold Star families have turned their sorrow into action and community outreach to help others navigate this difficult journey. Their compassion, courage, determination, and strength inspire us all.

When the last rifle volley is fired, the final note of Taps echoes and fades away, and the carefully-folded National Colors are presented, it is our sacred duty to stand with these patriotic families to ensure they receive the care, compassion, and respect they have earned. On this day of remembrance, we pay tribute to those brave men and women in uniform who died protecting our great Nation, and we stand with the families who nurtured and loved them. Gold Star families have our sympathy, but more importantly, they have our respect and our gratitude.

The Congress, by Senate Joint Resolution 115 of June 23, 1936 (49 Stat. 1895 as amended), has designated the last Sunday in September as “Gold Star Mother’s Day.”

NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim September 24, 2017, as Gold Star Mother’s and Family’s Day. I call upon all Government officials to display the flag of the United States over Government buildings on this special day. I also encourage the American people to display the flag and hold appropriate ceremonies as a public expression of our Nation’s gratitude and respect for our Gold Star Mothers and Families.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-second day of September, in the year of our Lord two thousand seventeen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-second.


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September 24, 2017 our Nation and Ridgewood Honors our Gold Star Mothers and Families


September 7, 2017

the staff of  the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, On Sunday, September 24, 2017 our Nation honors our Gold Star Mothers and families.  The Presidential Proclamation in 2011 commemorating this day pronounces, “As members of a grateful Nation, we owe a debt we can never repay, but hold this sacred obligation forever in our hearts, minds, and actions. We honor their sacrifice, and stand with our service members, military families, and Gold Star families as they have stood for us.”  The American Legion Post 53 and Ridgewood NJ’s Blue Star Families are committed to bringing awareness to our community and to commemorate the sacrifices these mothers and their families have made for our Country.

In the aftermath of World War I, Washington D.C. resident Grace Darling Seibold formed an organization called Gold Star Mothers to support the moms who had lost sons and daughters to the war. Grace’s son, First Lieutenant George Vaughn Seibold, was an aviator killed in combat over France in 1918. In 1928, the small D.C.-based group decided to nationalize its efforts. In 1936, a joint congressional resolution established the last Sunday in September as Gold Star Mother’s Day. The Gold Star Mothers grew from a support group of 60 women to today’s extensive nationwide network with tens of thousands of members and hundreds of local chapters.

In Ridgewood, NJ the Gold Star Mother’s Day Committee will sponsor our seventh annual event commemorating Gold Star Mother’s Day on Sunday, September 24th, at Van Neste Park. There will be a short ceremony starting promptly at 7:00 p.m. and hundreds of luminaries will be lit to honor Gold Star Mothers and their families. But in addition, our goal is to see thousands of other luminaries lit throughout Ridgewood and other towns on September 24th to honor the Gold Star Mothers and families!

Luminaries will be available for a donation before the ceremony at the following location:

Residence of Bob Paoli, Commander American Legion Post #53,

at 368 N. Pleasant Avenue, Ridgewood, NJ.  07450

Call 201-445-1738 to arrange time to pickup

Everyone also can stand with us in honoring the Gold Star Mothers and families by helping to raise awareness through:

talking to your family, friends, and neighbors about the event;

joining us at Van Neste Park; and,supporting this event with a donation (please make checks payable to the American Legion Post #53, write “Gold Star event” on the memo line, and send it to the American Legion Post #53, P.O. Box 1525, Ridgewood, NJ 07450).

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Multistate Outbreak of Salmonella Infections Linked to Pet Turtles, 2017


August 30,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the CDC and multiple states are investigating a multistate outbreak of human Salmonella infections linked to contact with pet turtles.
Thirty-seven people infected with the outbreak strain of Salmonella Agbeni have been reported from 13 states.

Illnesses started on dates ranging from March 1, 2017 to August 3, 2017
Of 33 people with available information, 16 have been hospitalized. No deaths have been reported.
Twelve (32%) ill people are children 5 years of age or younger.

Epidemiologic and laboratory findings link the outbreak of human Salmonella Agbeni infections to contact with turtles or their environments, such as water from a turtle habitat.

In interviews, ill people answered questions about contact with animals during the week before becoming ill. Fifteen (45%) of the 33 people interviewed reported contact with turtles or their environments, such as water from a turtle habitat, before getting sick.
In interviews with 9 ill people about where their turtles came from, 6 reported buying a turtle from a flea market or street vendor, or receiving the turtle as a gift.
In 2015, state and local health officials collected samples from turtles at a street vendor. Whole genome sequencing( showed that the Salmonella Agbeni isolated from ill people in this outbreak is closely related genetically to the Salmonella Agbeni isolates from turtles. This close genetic relationship means that people in this outbreak are more likely to share a common source of infection.

Do not buy small turtles as pets or give them as gifts.

Since 1975, the FDA has banned selling and distributing turtles with shells less than 4 inches long as pets because they are often linked to Salmonella infections, especially in young children.

All turtles, regardless of size, can carry Salmonella bacteria even if they look healthy and clean. These outbreaks are a reminder to follow simple steps( to enjoy pet reptiles and keep your family healthy.
This outbreak is expected to continue since consumers might be unaware of the risk of Salmonella infection from small turtles. If properly cared for, turtles have a long life expectancy.

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The 5 sneakiest new scams to watch out for right now in 2017

Nigerian scam michael-scott-

Christy Rakoczy, Mic

Aug. 4, 2017, 9:52 PM

Maybe you’re booking your awesome Labor Day vacation. Or you finally got a reply to an email you’ve been waiting for, with package tracking information for a gadget you ordered online. You’re cool to send payment to your Airbnb host, or to follow the link in the “shipping info” email… right?

Well, not so fast. Some scams that have cropped up recently actually mean that if you’re not 100% sure you’re actually booking with a legitimate Airbnb host — or responding to a trustworthy email or text — you could be putting your identity and your computer security at risk. Fraudster trickslike fake student loan relief offersor fake tech support scams have been a problem for awhile, but summer is an extra busy time for scammers, with consumer complaints about new tricks on the rise.

That means it’s especially vital for you to be really careful right now — and part of that is knowing of the newest traps that scam artists are setting to get you to give up personal information, cash or worse.

To help you out, here are five of the newest scams that you’ll want to be sure to avoid in 2017 — ranked from kinda sneaky to downright dastardly.

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2017 RHS Summer New Players opens this weekend!

Little Shop of Horrors

July 11,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, 2017 RHS Summer New Players opens this weekend! Tickets on sale now! Come enjoy Little Shop of Horrors, Baskerville-a Sherlock Holmes Mystery and later in July, The Pajama Game!!!
Senior Citizens $5.00 discount! We would love to have you join us in the lovely air conditioned Little Theatre!!

RHS New Players Company at The Little Theatre ,simply click on the below link when shopping online. After that, you will shop at your favorite online stores and New Players makes a percentage of every purchase.

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Ridgewood Sale Days-May 18, 19, 20, 2017

RidgewoodSidewalkSale the Ridgewood blog
Fri, May 19, 2017
Time: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Location: Ridgewood Business District, E. Ridgewood Ave., and side streets

Come on down to Ridgewood’s famous
Sidewalk Sale Days,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
May 18, 19, 20, 2017

Shop and dine all day, sales galore,
great deals while strolling through Ridgewood.

for more details check on the Chamber’s website calendar May 18th, for the names of the stores participating.


see you in Ridgewood

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10 Fastest Growing Jobs In New Jersey In 2017


February 2,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, according to Zippa a career website , New Jersey is, and has been since its founding, a state in change. We’re growing, we’re progressing, we’re constantly on the move, it seems, financially, industrially, technologically, and of course, in the

New Jersey is, and has been since its founding, a state in change. We’re growing, we’re progressing, we’re constantly on the move, it seems, financially, industrially, technologically, and of course, in the

New Jersey is, and has been since its founding, a state in change. We’re growing, we’re progressing, we’re constantly on the move, it seems, financially, industrially, technologically, and of course, in the work force.

Some jobs that were popular fifty or sixty years ago are unheard of these days. Jobs that will be popular in fifty or sixty years — we may not even be able to guess.

But today, what we can guess are which jobs are going to be the most beneficial in one year, or even a few. Because we’ve crunched the data, and we’ve come up with a list of the fastest growing jobs in New Jersey.

Here are the top 10, and below, we’ll show you the top 100:

  1. Home Health Aides
  2. Operations Research Analysts
  3. Physical Therapist Assistants
  4. Physical Therapist Aides
  5. Physical Therapists
  6. Nurse Practitioners
  7. Ambulance Drivers and Attendants, Except Emergency Medical Technicians
  8. Physician Assistants
  9. Occupational Therapists
  10. Helpers–Electricians

Okay, so really–this is pretty cool. Who would have thought, even twenty years ago, that home health aides and operations research analysts would be so in demand? Not only does this mean we’re progressing in some important areas, but it also means you might just be able to snag yourself a more secure job. (


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8 New Jersey Law Changes for 2017 that May Impact You

for sale Ridgewood_Real_Estate_theRodgewopodblog
January 3,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

 Ridgewood NJ, the new year ushers in some changes in New Jersey laws that might affect you. From a slight bump in the minimum wage, and an opportunity for adopted people to obtain their original birth certificates. Bergen residents and retirees will be most affected by a phasing out the estate tax and expanding tax deductions on retirement income which help to soften the state’s anti-business and anti-work reputation and may even begin to stem the flight of people out of the state.

The big news for most is the 23-cent per-gallon rise in the gasoline tax that took effect on Nov. 1 to replenish a depleted Transportation Trust Fund, known by some critics as the Transportation Slush Fund.

Here are eight major changes for 2017:

1. Phasing out the estate tax

About 3,500 estates, worth at least $675,000, are subject to the estate tax each year. But starting this month, the state will impose the tax on estates worth $2 million or more. The entire tax would end after Jan. 1, 2018.

2. Expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit

The Earned Income Tax Credit for low-income workers get a boost from 30 percent of the federal level to 35 percent. The expansion will benefit about 600,000 New Jerseyans, who will pocket about $200 more from the tax return, Whiten said.

Eligibility depends on income and number of qualifying children. The income limit is about $14,800 for a single, childless adult, and $53,000 for a married couple with three or more children.

3. Reducing the sales tax

The sales tax will decrease from 7 percent to 6.875 percent on Jan. 1, and then from 6.875 percent to 6.625 percent on Jan. 1, 2018. Legislative leaders said Christie was adamant about enacting a sales tax cut when he agreed to raise the gas tax but it may not be noticed by most consumers unless you are making a major purchase.

4. Expanding tax deduction for retirees

A married couple filing their taxes jointly can currently exclude their first $20,000 in retirement income from state income taxes. But beginning in 2017 and phased in over four years, that amount will ultimately increase to $100,000 for joint filers, $75,000 for individuals and $50,000 for married couples.

5. Tax deduction for veterans

The tax deal introduced a $3,000 tax deduction for veterans. The law defines veterans as those who are “honorable discharged or released under honorable circumstances from active duty in the Armed Forces of the United states, a reserve component thereof, or the National Guard of New Jersey in a federal active duty status.”

6. Opening birth certificates sealed at adoption

The state Health Department will begin fulfilling requests from adopted people to obtain their original birth certificates containing information about their parents.

Birth parents could have requested to have their named blacked-out if they filed a redaction form before Dec. 31. At any time, they may submit a contact preference form stating whether they wish to have no contact with their child, contact through an intermediary, or unfettered contact. Birth parents who request no contact must also must complete a family history form seeking medical, cultural and social history information about the birth parent.

More information about the law is available on the health department’s website, or by calling 866-649-8726.

7. Eliminating bail for some non-violent offenders

One in 12 defendants remains in jail because a bail of $2,500 is too high.

Starting in January, fewer people who commit minor offenses will be held on bail and detained. And if a person is held in jail, prosecutors will have 90 days to seek an indictment from a grand jury, and must bring a person to trial with 120 days.

8. Raising the minimum wage, nominally

New Jersey’s minimum wage will go up six cents on Jan. 1 to $8.44 an hour, according to the state Department of Labor and Workforce Development.

It will be New Jerseyans’ first increase since January 2015, when it rose from $8.25 an hour to the current $8.38. The minimum wage did not increase this year because there was no rise in the state’s cost of living.

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Let Us Resolve to be Good Neighbors in 2017

CBD Ridgewood by ArtChick

file photo by ArtChick

December 31,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood Nj, Doug Bunza, a 22-year-old village resident who set up a go fund me page to help when his favorite Pizza place La Bella Pizza when it burned down. Doug’s actions inspired us to call for 2017 to be the year of the neighbor and a return to neighborliness.

While disagreements and passion are sure to remain strong in the Village we hope 2017 will usher in a new found respect to neighborliness. A simple smile and a “good morning” at the train station are all it would take. Ridgewood like most of the USA suffers often from a disease know as “the rules only apply to everyone else” syndrome.  This “holier than thou” attitude has brought public discourse to a close. So for 2017 let’s all try to treat people with respect, the same respect we all feel we are entitled too, however you can be sure there are those in town who will continue to feel smug in their own superiorness and for them the Ridgewood blog will be here to remind them that manners are not an option but a necessity in a civilized society.
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New Jersey Transit Ads Travel Options of New Years Eve

Ridgewood Train Station

file photo by Archick


December 30,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ,  NJ TRANSIT is offering extra service for the holiday week, including on New Year’s Eve, to give customers more travel options for ringing in 2017, shopping at the mall or leaving work early.

In addition, NJ TRANSIT is continuing their savings plans through a special extension of the Family SuperSaver Fare, which allows up to two children between the ages of 5 and 11 to travel free with each fare-paying customer.  Up to three children age 4 and under can also travel free with a fare-paying customer. Usually limited to weekends, the Family SuperSaver Fare is now in effect until 6 a.m. Tuesday, January 3, on all trains, buses and light rail lines.

“This is the time of year when so many special events take place and many visitors are using NJ TRANSIT to get where they need to go,’’ said NJ TRANSIT Executive Director Steven H. Santoro. “NJ TRANSIT is pleased to offer the Family SuperSaver Fare, which allows our customers to stretch their holiday budgets just a bit. So leave the car behind and use NJ TRANSIT to go the mall, get into New York City or gather at a loved one’s home without the hassle of driving.’’

For complete schedule and fare information, customers may visit and click on the Holiday Early Getaway Service marquee or call 973-275-5555.

A new, key feature to aid customers this holiday season is “The Commuter Tool Kit – The Tools You Need for a Better Travel Experience,’’ a colorful campaign designed for both the everyday commuter and visitor travelling on NJ TRANSIT’s rail, bus, light rail and Access Link systems. Several features such as the mobile app, trip planner, ticket purchase options, travel information and travel savings are highlighted in the campaign. The brochure is printed in both English and Spanish.

The Commuter Tool Kit is available in brochure form and on the NJ TRANSIT website, in digital displays and delivered through the agency’s social media channels.

Customers can also take advantage of other ways to save money. NJ TRANSIT works with promotional partners throughout the year to offer discounts to many entertainment venues. Customers can go to for special offers on show tickets, admission costs and travel this holiday season.

On Tuesday, December 27, Wednesday, December 28, Thursday, December 29 and Friday, December 30, the trains will operate on a modified weekday schedule with certain morning peak period trains cancelled and additional mid-to-late morning service on each line. Rail customers are encouraged to visit for details and travel before 9 a.m. on these days, if possible, when ridership is lighter.  Buses and light rail lines will operate on a weekday schedule. Select PABT bus routes will have more frequent service operating inbound to PABT on some lines during the late morning hours and outbound from PABT during the early and late evening hours. Consult a timetable or visit Holiday Service Guide for details.

On New Year’s Eve, Saturday, December 31, trains will operate on a weekend schedule. In the evening, there will be extra train service to New York.  Special printable schedules that cover the period from 6 p.m. on New Year’s Eve until 6 a.m. on New Year’s morning are available at

Buses will operate on a Saturday schedule with extra early evening service inbound and extra outbound from PABT after midnight on select routes. Customers are advised to consult a timetable or visit Holiday Service Guide for more details.

Hudson-Bergen Light Rail will operate on a weekend schedule. Newark Light Rail and River LINE will operate on a Saturday schedule. River LINE and Hudson-Bergen Light Rail will both operate some additional trips on a ‘load and go’ capacity after the fireworks displays during the early hours of January 1.

IMPORTANT NOTE:  No open containers of alcohol will be permitted on board trains, buses or light rail vehicles or in any NJ TRANSIT facility on New Year’s Eve and after midnight on New Year’s Day.  This policy will be strictly enforced.

After midnight (early January 1), additional late-night trains will operate on most rail lines with one-seat ride service available on certain Raritan Valley Line and North Jersey Coast Line trains. Some trains that normally depart New York/Hoboken/Newark between midnight and 1 a.m. are cancelled and will be replaced with later trains. Customers should visit for details, including special printable schedules that cover the period from 6 p.m. on New Year’s Eve until 6 a.m. on New Year’s morning. Expanded bus service will be provided from the Port Authority Bus Terminal (PABT) until approximately 2 a.m. Some routes will be departing from alternate areas within the PABT. Visit Holiday Service Guide for specific schedule details and departure gate assignments.

On New Year’s Day, Sunday, January 1, after 5 a.m., trains will operate on a weekend schedule.  In addition, Meadowlands service will operate for the Jets vs. Bills game. Customers should visit for more details. River LINE will operate on a Sunday schedule. Newark Light Rail will operate on a Saturday schedule. Hudson-Bergen Light Rail will operate on a weekend schedule. Buses will operate on a Sunday schedule. Customers are advised to visit for details.

On Monday, January 2 (observed), trains will operate on a weekend/major holiday schedule on all lines with additional morning and evening peak trains on most lines. Customers should visit for details. Most bus routes will operate on a Saturday schedule. Newark Light Rail will operate on a Saturday schedule. River LINE will operate on a Sunday schedule. Hudson-Bergen Light Rail will operate on a weekend schedule. Consult for additional details.

Travel tips

Check Schedules in Advance:  Plan your trip online to take advantage of extra trains and buses.
Travel Early:  On December 27-30, NJ TRANSIT rail lines will operate on a modified weekday schedule.  Avoid the crowds by traveling during the traditional peak-period (6-9 a.m.) when ridership is light.
Allow Extra Travel Time:  Traffic congestion during the holidays may affect bus travel times to and from New York City, so customers should plan accordingly.
Ticketing:  Purchase round-trip tickets at the start of your trip to speed your return and use the NJ TRANSIT mobile app, which is available for free download on any web-enabled iOS or Android device, to make the purchase even easier. To make a purchase, customers simply install the app and then create an account, which will securely save a customer’s profile information and purchase history for ease of use. Customers can also use ticket vending machines or see a ticket agent, if available, to avoid possible surcharges.  Reminder: Bus customers departing Port Authority Bus Terminal must purchase tickets before boarding.

Luggage:  Travel as light as possible.  Passengers with luggage or packages should use the overhead racks or designated luggage spaces.  On multilevel trains, customers with large bags should use the mezzanine levels at the ends of each car.