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Northbound Route 287 Shut Down After Heavy Equipment Crash in Mahwah

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Mahwah NJ, a tri-axle dump truck towing a trailer loaded with three (3) heavy pieces of paving equipment, crashed on Route 287 northbound in Mahwah late Wednesday afternoon, 11/30. The truck, trailer, and one (1) piece of equipment careened off of the roadway and down a steep embankment. The remaining two (2) pieces of paving equipment dislodged from the trailer and landed in the traveled portion of Route 287 northbound, just south of Darlington Avenue in Ramsey. One (1) individual was seriously injured in the crash; paramedics were dispatched to assist Mahwah EMS personnel with the victim’s care. Route 287 northbound was closed in Franklin Lakes to facilitate roadway clean up and removal of all damaged equipment/vehicles.

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