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The NJ Attorney General’s Office is Investigating a Fatal Police-involved Shooting that Occurred on Saturday in Englewood

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Englewood NJ, the Attorney General’s Office is conducting an investigation of a fatal police-involved shooting that occurred the morning of Saturday, September 3 in Englewood, N.J. One male civilian sustained fatal injuries. His identity is not being released at this time.

Continue reading The NJ Attorney General’s Office is Investigating a Fatal Police-involved Shooting that Occurred on Saturday in Englewood

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Multiple Reports of Diners Being Hit with Water bottles Tossed off the Hudson Garage

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photos by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, there have been multiple reports of diners being hit with water bottles tossed off the Hudson Garage . Last Thursday evening around 6:30pm  a group of dinners at Pearl were hit  by water bottles and the Ridgewood Police were forced to respond after a 911 call was placed.

Continue reading Multiple Reports of Diners Being Hit with Water bottles Tossed off the Hudson Garage

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Readers Concerned over Ridgewood Officers Health after Sunday Crash

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At least one of these vehicles hit a utility pole. This knocked out power to at least part of the surrounding neighborhood. Were they responding to the same call at speed, one on East Glen, one on North Van Dien? No wonder the two officers were transported to the hospital–the impact must have been tremendous. Any update on how these officers are faring?

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Ridgewood Police Respond to 911 Call from a Frightened Teenage Girl in Central Business District

Ridgewood Police Respond to 911 Call

photos courtesy of Boyd Loving

June 1,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ,  A 911 call from a frightened teenage female, who alleged that she’d been inappropriately touched by an adult male stranger, generated a immediate response from three (3) uniformed Ridgewood PD Patrol Officers and two (2) uniformed Patrol Supervisors. The incident was alleged to have taken place on a sidewalk near 103 Franklin Avenue, Ridgewood on Wednesday evening, 05/31. Ridgewood Police canvassed sidewalks and restaurants near the scene in an attempt to locate the adult male involved in the incident. The victim’s mother responded to the scene to discuss the incident with police officers and to take the youth home. The alleged perpetrator was not immediately located, but a description of his clothing and physical appearance was disseminated to all on duty officers for follow up throughout the evening.

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911 Call Leads to Unconscious Male Found at South Maple in Ridgewood

ridgewood police Unconscious Male

photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook

March 31,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, A 911 telephone caller that reported observing an adult male laying unconscious behind a group of bushes on South Maple Avenue near Walton Street, Ridgewood resulted in an immediate response from Ridgewood PD, FD, and EMS personnel on Thursday afternoon, 03/30. The first arriving Ridgewood PD officers determined that the individual was conscious and breathing, but highly intoxicated. He was transported by ambulance to Bergen Regional Medical Center for treatment as per requirements of the NJ State Alcohol Treatment and Rehabilitation Act.

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911 Call leads to the Confiscation of Plastic Swords by Police at Ridgewood High School

Ridgewood Police RHS

photo courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook

June 11,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, A Ridgewood Police Department Patrol Patrol Officer and two (2) police department supervisors responded to Ridgewood High School (627 East Ridgewood Avenue) shortly after 11 AM on Friday, 6/10 in response to a 911 telephone call from a school employee reporting dozens of students running amok in the school’s main hallway with plastic swords in their hands. Police confiscated an undisclosed number of swords and reported damage to at least one (1) classroom’s windows. No immediate arrests were apparent.