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FACT CHECK: Actually Muslims Did Celebrate 9-11, According To NY Times

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Trump Joins Ridgewood blog and Asks for an Apology NOW!

Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop owes an apology to all 9/11 victims and should resign immediately!


Ben Carson and Donald Trump are under fire for comments that they saw Muslims celebrating 9-11.

The Washington Post’s fact checker claimed it never happened to which Donald Trump replied thusly:

Via @washingtonpost 9/18/01. I want an apology! Many people have tweeted that I am right!

The New York Times quotation is far more damning. Here it is, with our emphasis.

Within hours of the terror attacks, F.B.I. agents hurriedly intercepted telephone calls in which suspected associates of Al Qaeda in the United Stateswere overheard celebrating the attacks. In the following days, agents swept in and arrested them. (New York Times, October 28, 2001, Section 1B; Column 1; Metropolitan Desk; Pg. 2).

The Washington Post–the very same paper denying that anyone was celebrating the attacks–reported on September 16, 2011 that Palestinian authorities and the media were working together to stop people from seeing Palestinians celebrating the terrorist attacks. Here’s the relevant quote:

Palestinian officials have told local representatives of foreign news agencies and television stations on several occasions that their employees’ safety could be jeopardized if videotapes showing Palestinianscelebrating the attacks were aired.